If you want to learn Badugi poker rules and strategy you're in the right place. Originating in Korea, in this variant you want the best 4 card-hand.
Adam Jones• 11,259 Views • on 15/7/15
Expert at PokerVIP.com
64 Videos•148 Articles• Since 2012
Adam walks us through his optimal slowplaying strategy and when to slowplay!
Adam Jones• 10,644 Views • on 12/7/12
Adam walks us through the concept of 'Setmining', which is frequently misplayed, especially at the smaller stakes.
Adam Jones• 11,876 Views • on 2/7/12
Micro Stakes Essentials: Playing Value HandsMicro Stakes 10NL Review: Defence against 3-BetsMicro Stakes - Floating &...
Adam Jones• 12,501 Views • on 27/6/12
If you want to learn Badugi poker rules and strategy you're in the right place. Originating in Korea, in this variant you want the best 4 card-hand.
Adam Jones• 11,259 Views • on 15/7/15
Increasing your productivity in poker much like in any other type of activity will depend on many factors, including your working habits, your state of mind, eating and sleeping habits.
Adam Jones• 8,211 Views • on 14/7/15
Increasing your productivity in poker much like in any other type of activity will depend on many factors, including your working habits, your state of mind, eating and sleeping habits.
Adam Jones• 10,373 Views • on 10/7/15