Alex Carr(msusyr24)

MTT Expert at

2 Videos0 Articles Since 2012

Alexander 'msusyr24' Carr has had success in every format of poker. He's earned over $100k in SNG's and $150k in MTT's. Alex has recently had good success in full ring cash as well, winning at 3bb/100 over 2 million hands. He created a staking site, Pocarr that boasts some of the best players in the game today.

Alex is excited about joining the PokerVIP team and hopes to produce content that inspires some good dialouge.

Full RingSmall
msusyr24 $11Quad - Winning HH Review (Ep02)

Episode 02. Alex 'msusyr24' reviews the next part of his winning tournament review from this $11 + $10 + $10 + 10 Q...

Alex Carr 10,662 Views on 27/11/12

Full RingSmall
msusyr24 $11Quad - Winning HH Review (Ep01)

Episode 01. Alex 'msusyr24' Carr MTT - Part one of this winning Hand history review $11 + $10 + $10 + 10 Quad Tournament...

Alex Carr 11,906 Views on 6/11/12