Conor Gilmore(Bearlyther)

MTT Expert at

5 Videos0 Articles Since 2013

Our Irish Superstar! 

Conor Is our low-mid stakes MTT coach. He will be producing constant high quality content for our members mainly concentrating on Final Table play and Final Table HH reviews. 

Conor grinds none stop and now boasts a huge ROI and profit across most sites. His favourite score was a win in the Sky Ukops 1 year ago. It was the title and bankroll boost that meant the most to Conor which allowed him to play higher buy in tournaments and go from strength to strength. 

Now moving up the ranks and playing live poker Conor will be a one to watch. With his huge edge im sure he will crush and we will all be there to watch it! 

Stay tuned for some awesome video's!!! 

Full RingMTTSmall
Winamax MTT Final Table Review

Can Conor win this MTT? Watch how he plays each hand and commentates along the way. 

Conor Gilmore 9,443 Views on 7/10/13

Full RingMTTSmall
Winamax Final Table Tournament Review

Watch how Conor plays 2 final tables on winamax analysing each hand. 

Conor Gilmore 8,450 Views on 1/10/13

Six MaxMTTSmall
BEARLYTHER MTT Final Table Review

Conor brings you another MTT final table recording. Analysing each important hand and discussing if he should have taken...

Conor Gilmore 8,106 Views on 17/9/13