Paul "Internet" Otto(lnternet)

NLHE Expert at

19 Videos0 Articles Since 2011

Paul 'lnternet' Otto, Mid-High Stakes 6-Max & Heads-Up Cash Game Coach & All Around Soul-Destroyer at

Paul Otto has consistently been within the top 10 winners at Ongame throughout 2010/2011. He Plays the 6-max, 3-max as well as the occasional Heads Up games at stakes 2/4 - 5/10, with higher stakes mixed in on occasion. 

He’s also enjoyed a few EPT cashes, making him a very well rounded player with a self-proclaimed loose aggressive style.

For those of you who frequent the TwoPlusTwo forums, you may recognise Paul under the alias ‘Internet’. He’s a well respected member of the world’s largest online poker forum, and is leading the war against online bots at the Ongame network.

I think you’ll agree his graph, win rate and other statistics for the year 2011 speaks for themselves. Paul is clearly a player at the top of his game: 

Paul Otto has consistently been within the top 10 winners at Ongame throughout 2010/2011. He Plays the 6-max, 3-max as well as the occasional Heads Up games at stakes 2/4 - 5/10, with higher stakes mixed in on occasion. 

He’s also enjoyed a few EPT cashes, making him a very well rounded player with a self-proclaimed loose aggressive style.

For those of you who frequent the TwoPlusTwo forums, you may recognise Paul under the alias ‘Internet’. He’s a well respected member of the world’s largest online poker forum, and is leading the war against online bots at the Ongame network.

I think you’ll agree his graph, win rate and other statistics for the year 2011 speaks for themselves. Paul is clearly a player at the top of his game.

Coaching Rates

$400 per 90minute session. $250 first time to try out.

If you're interested in personal coaching from Paul, please submit a request here.

Six MaxNLHESmall
Internet Speeding On iPoker $100nl: 100% 3Bet IP

Paul 'Internt' Otto is widely known as the best mid stakes player online. Crushing all sites for 5+ years 'Internet' is ...

Paul "Internet" Otto 18,090 Views on 6/2/14

Six MaxNLHESmall
Internet Speeding On iPoker $100nl: No Fold vs Steals

Watch how Internet Adapts to the $100nl ipoker Speed games. This time not folding vs button or blind steals! Part 1...

Paul "Internet" Otto 15,223 Views on 2/1/14

Six MaxNLHEMid
Internet Returns $400nl: No HUD Big Reads!

He is back! Internet brings you his returning PokerVIP video. $400nl live play with analysis on 888. Want to see how a m...

Paul "Internet" Otto 16,811 Views on 25/11/13