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Folding an overpair in a 4 Bet Pot

A call about possibly folding QQ in a 4 bet pot that remains an overpair to the board when all the cards are revealed.&n...

PokerVIP Picks 1,677 Views on 14/2/21

Mastering the Fundamentals: Preflop Strategy

I hope you enjoy this sneak peek of Modules 4-7 of Master the Fundamentals. Watch more coaching videos from this ch...

PokerVIP Picks 1,355 Views on 13/2/21

Should we Hit and Run in Poker?

A discussion about hit and running in poker. IS there a strategy to hit and running? Watch more coaching videos fr...

PokerVIP Picks 1,848 Views on 12/2/21

Poker Mental Game & PlanningMastering the Art of Poker: Strategies for Success

Uncover advanced poker strategies to elevate your skills and gain a competitive edge. Explore the intricate blend of skill and strategy that sets poker apart from luck-based games, offering players a more thoughtful and analytical approach to the game.

PokerVIP Picks 2,373 Views on 11/1/24