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RANGE C-BETS ARE OUTDATED?! All You have to know about range betting!

You have been asking me quite often, and here it is: A video about range betting the flop. A lot of you guys have been...

PokerVIP Picks 1,418 Views on 10/2/21

The MENTAL GAME of RUNNING BAD in a Poker Session

Take a look at this video where Bart discusses the short term image implications of “running bad” inside a single po...

PokerVIP Picks 1,860 Views on 10/2/21

Playing In Position as the Preflop Caller | MTTPOKERSCHOOL Study Stream REPLAY

Join Gareth James as he goes through four hands from a recent stream and learn about playing in position as the preflop ...

PokerVIP Picks 1,422 Views on 9/2/21

Poker Mental Game & PlanningMastering the Art of Poker: Strategies for Success

Uncover advanced poker strategies to elevate your skills and gain a competitive edge. Explore the intricate blend of skill and strategy that sets poker apart from luck-based games, offering players a more thoughtful and analytical approach to the game.

PokerVIP Picks 2,374 Views on 11/1/24