ImFromSweden Poker Concept - 3bet Pots in Position

7,183 Views on 4/6/15

Oscar 'ImFromSweden' Bergling (One of the most consistent midstakes NLHE cash game crushers of the last 5 years, and creator of one of the most amazing poker blogs ever on TwoPlusTwo 'I'll play nosebleeds by the end of the year') is back with a new series of concept videos to help you crush the games. If you missed out his last video, please check it out here. In this video, we discuss how to play 3bet pots in position - When to stab when the pot is checked to you and raising vs. floating if your opponent bets out first. We will then look at mixed examples of various different real scenarios.


Oscar Bergling

Oscar "ImFromSweden" Bergling is a popular NLHE online pro from Sweden. He rose to prominence through one of the most popular blogs on TwoPlusTwo called 'I'll play nosebleeds by the end of the year' and has consistently beaten 6-Max and He ... Read More


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