Intermediate Poker Bluffing

12,970 Views on 9/11/15

Adam 'W34z3l' Jones presentation on how to bluff at the intermediate level. This video focuses on...
  • Stealing with Cbets
  • Turning pairs into bluffs
  • Semi bluffing 
  • And how we should react when faced with similar bluffs from our opponents
Adam has a whole collection of top poker coaching videos for PokerVIP, check them out here! 

Also take a look at his strategy articles related to bluffing...
Let us know your thoughts on this video in the comments below!



I am of British nationality and go by the online alias w34z3l. I am considered one of the top consultants in the field for technical analysis (i.e. database work) and application of game theory concepts to various card games. I make a ... Read More


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