Poker Coaching: 20nl 1/2

5,059 Views on 1/12/17

Straight up old fashioned poker coaching with top micro stakes coach and grinder Seb! 

In today's 2 part series Seb plays a couple of tables on GUTS highlighting how soft the games are along with the massive rewards on offer for those who choose MPN skins! 

Live play means live analysis...get the in game insights a top pro has along with all top strategies shared throughout. 


Sebastian Lorenz

HeyGuys,My name is Sebastian aka "Baboscrubx" I'm 25 years old and I'm studying to become a teacher IRL.I did start playing Poker about 2 1/2 years ago. I did start by depositing 20$ and by playing in the infamous 2NL Cash-game streets ... Read More


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