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SubscribePokerVIP Picks• 1,373 Views • on 16/2/21
In this video, you're going to learn what you should do with third pair in position in a 3-bet pot, what you should do facing a check raise with an underpair, what turn size and strategy to choose with middle set, how to respond to turn leads with an underpair and what strategy to choose on a flush completing turn in a 3-bet pot. MTT Poker School founder and head coach, Gareth James, reviews five hands that he marked this week and discusses potential mistakes and what he learnt. It starts with a 3-bet spot where Hero opens 88 from the Button and the Small Blind 3-bets. Hero calls and the flop comes KJ4 with two clubs. Gareth talks about why it might have been a mistake to fold with a club in our hand, even though the hand seems pretty weak. In the second hand, Hero faces a check raise from the Small Blind after c-betting on a A65 rainbow board with 77 from the Cut Off. Is there ever an argument to fold? In the next hand, Hero flops middle set, but it's a board that's great for him and pretty lousy for the Big Blind. On the turn, what sizing and strategy should he choose? The solution might surprise you! In the fourth hand, Hero faces a turn lead after c-betting the flop with an underpair on a J84 rainbow board. Is this the right sizing from the Villain? And what should Hero do when villain continues on the river? In the final hand, Hero flops a set in a 3-bet pot out of position. The interesting question comes on a flush completing turn where Gareth wants to look at whether he should ever be leading.
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