W34z3l 1-1 Player Review w/ BarraBod 20nl

6,633 Views on 31/12/15

A live 1-1 private session between PokerVIP coach Adam 'W34z3l' Jones and forum competition winner BarraBod.

Playing 4 tables of 20nl on 888
Adam analyzes each play made questioning reasons, profitability and giving his own input on what he should and should not be doing. BarraBods main weakness is floating, where he seems to call too much sometimes which results in him wanting to fold more now.



I am of British nationality and go by the online alias w34z3l. I am considered one of the top consultants in the field for technical analysis (i.e. database work) and application of game theory concepts to various card games. I make a ... Read More


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