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Hello everyone this is John from PokerVIP coaching and today I am going to talk about rakeback.
We are going to cover:
Its' going to be very simple straight forward run through for people that don't use it. People that might be a little bit curious about it or might be a little tempted to try it but they don't know how it's going to work for them.
What is it?
Well basically I'll explain what Rake is first.
Rake is how the casinos/site makes their money. Every time you play a pot or every time there is a pot they take a small percentage. You must have noticed if gone all in and both people add 50 dollars you won’t get back 100 dollars when you win, you will get back around 98, 99 dollars depending what site you use. They just take that dollar or two, a couple of percent out offit.
And basically what rakeback is, is you getting a slice of that back, so everytime you pay rake, the site will pay you back. It's just the way of them keeping customers, keeping you happy and it's not just for the massive volume players anyone can get this at any stakes now sites are generally offering a range from 20%-100%+ and i know you kind think "well if it's a hundred percent plus how does the site makes their money?"
Well when they use a 100%+ the site will basically doing a big promotion and that 100%+ may last from a month to 3 or 4 maybe because we get bonuses as well on top of that and that's just a way of them to get you on their site and then maybe after a while that 100% go 50% but in that time you can definitely do a lot of money or lose less money from rakeback.
On the low end of it 20% this might be a more recreational site where you might have to hit certain targets to get it. But like I said it varies and between 50-60% is a standard.
Also if you start on a site and play more and more they might increase your VIP level and VIP level just means you get more rakeback as you move up VIP level.
How does it Work?
Well basically after agreeing on what kind of Rakeback you are going to get and what percentage you are going to receive, the poker site itself is going to pay it into your poker account, into your bankroll and basically just there for you to see.
You will probably get a message saying "here is your rakeback payment" and it's yours to go. Now this isn't a gimmick, very simple they are giving you back for playing on their site.
A lot of you would say that "well you need to play it off" and what is played off means, well it basically means that if you have a bonus you have to play maybe 500 hands to release a dollar, maybe.
This isn't like that, this is just simple - It’s your money. You can withdraw it. They are not going to stop it from being withdrawn or you can play with it. It's totally up to you. You can leave it in there you can do whatever you want with it.
What are the Benefits
Ok so what are the benefits and I've kind of put here very simple
Less Losses
Money, obviously everyone loves, and you know that's what we want back so aside who is actually giving back rather than say just take take take it's obviously a good thing for us.
Now when i say profit well, we all know that poker is really tough to beat nowadays and is getting harder, and a lot of players actually you'll hear them being referred as a "rakeback pro" and that basically means that they’re break even at the games, maybe even losing on the games but when they get their rakeback they are actually in profit and that's how they make their wage.
Someone could lose a thousand dollars on the tables each month but be raking $10,000 so they're just gonna average 50% percent rakeback deal they are going to get $5000 paid into their account so the net profit is four thousand dollars.
Okay I know that sounds a little bit crazy but it's as simple as that. But they are making money from losing but they are putting in a lot effort for playing.
Now Less Losses - If you are just starting out, you are learning the game you might be losing, I means it happens to us all you can’t just start and crushing the games and being the best. So if you are losing a couple hundred dollars a month after you get rakeback you might only be losing fifty dollars a month, but if you are enjoying the game and you know you get money back it's keeping you in the game and that's not hurting you financially then well it's better losing 200 hundred isn't it? so you know, no matter who you are if you wanna be a pro or a semi-pro if you just enjoying it and you try to learn it all, if you don't mind losing for having fun still get the rakeback it’s free money and you can easily get on any site.
Where can I get it?
Well you want to find Reputable affiliates and PokerVIP Deals - that's obviously the coaching site I'm making this video for and it's the company I’ve actually used for the last seven years for my rakeback. I have actually rakeback $200,000 under PokerVIP sites and I've received over $100,000 back. That's not a lie. It's as simple as that. I've had deals ranging anywhere from 30% to recently getting a 115% back. These really are the best places to get rakeback deals also you can go to PokerTube Deals on here you will find other sites as well. It might even good for you if you are a tournament player wanting to rakeback as well. Because they also have deals for value added tournaments so you get free money thrown at you left right and centre from there
When you are on these sites you can just sign up directly and there going to be a big list (of deals) for you there and that can range from anywhere iPoker, Micrograming, Pokerstars any poker site you've ever seen we pretty much have a deal for and if you want to question this and see what you can get and how it works, to see a little bit of help basically, just ask on the live support. The team is there for you in a pretty much 24/7. So ask and they will sign you up to the best place suited for you. We really do have the best deals on the net over a number of non-reputable sites who will promise you stupid percentages never return it, it will be on sites that are too small. We have the biggest sites and the best deals.
The little overview here:
Rakeback makes you money. Well obviously we spoke about losing you less or making you more but say you actually are a pro and you never received rakeback which is very possible because you just didn't know it existed. Well if you are raking $5000 a month, that's 60 grand a year and you've done this for 5 years. That's $300,000 of rake you paid if you just had a rakeback deal you would have at least taken $150,000 of that back. So imagine how much you going to be losing over the next 10 years if you don't sign up.
It is Easy to Get, simply go to these websites ,, click the link and there you go. You get your rakeback. Now this really is a must. And as I've just said if you are a pro and you've been without it, you are crazy, you are just completely not doing this right. Being a pro is finding any edge you can and this is THE biggest Edge you'll ever find in poker after your skill level.
Now being honest not having it (rakeback) is burning money or not having the best deal is burning money. So you might be with affiliate now who's giving you 30% and that could be a great deal in your eyes you know, you get a couple of grand back a month, happy days - but maybe we could actually give you more ,so shop around with us see if we can beat your deal because I am 99.9% sure we can and the main thing is sign up now. You are on here it takes two minutes to go up to those sites and get on with it.
Anyone can make money from Poker, anyone can lose at poker from learning or being bad. This just makes you money and gets your money back.
This really is a must so I really hope you enjoyed this explaination of what a rake or a rakeback is and I can't wait to see you on the tables and I am pretty sure you'll be making even more money because of this now.
So don't be scared and head on over!
This is John for PokerVIP coaching.