Crazy 3betting in Position - Live €50NL Cash

8,442 Views on 9/6/15

In this video Jon goes crazy! 3betting in position as much as possible throughout the video - Button, Blind vs blind, and getting seriously out of line. The reason we're playing this is to identify some interesting spots to see how people react to our aggression, and also examining how we play hands like this post flop when we've been so relentlessly aggressive pre-flop. Hopefully we create a sick dynamic / table image for ourselves too =)

Poker Room: BetVictor
Format: NLHE 6-Max
Stakes: €0.25/50


Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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