Leakfinder Review for MilfGrinder - 20NL Cash on Betfair

8,356 Views on 29/6/15

Jon reviews session of 20NL regular cash poker, played by PokerVIP forum member MilfGrinder at the tables on Betfair (iPoker network). He's playing on multiple currencies to take advantage of the player pool. Some conclusions to draw from this session - Make sure your opening ranges are solid, don't be afraid of weak players and big pots, be more relaxed when you're in position and generally think more about position.


Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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