Man v Machine: Poker Snowie Episode 1

10,371 Views on 28/9/15

Nick returns to PokerVIP with a brand new challenge series where we find out how a micro stakes winner does against Snowie. In this first episode, Nick previews what he will be covering in the series and how it will help you improve your work away from the table. Snowie will analyze every hand Nick plays during his challenge showing him all the positive/negative situations he got himself into and it will discover the most profitable GTO lines he should have taken. You can also follow his forum thread and watch/interact with him live on Twitch.TV


Nick Whitton

Nick has been a true microstakes grinder playing 10,000's of hands at each level of the microstakes. He has a growing win rate due to his hard work ethic and passion for the game. Nick has become familiar with almost every site which gives ... Read More


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