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Poker Mental Game & Planning

PokerVIP's Best Poker Blogs to Follow

13,654 Views on 1/9/15

If you're looking for the best poker blogs to follow for strategy talk, entertainment, or anecdotal experience, check out our top list. From poker pros, to amateur online grinders, this list has a variety of blogs to check out.

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I've noticed a few "Best Poker Blogs" articles on the web and when I go through their list I notice they've just googled around and added the websites regardless of whether or not they're even active.

Here at PokerVIP we do things right, so here's our version of the best poker blogs on the web that are actually active. In this list you'll find a mix of pro players, amateur online grinders, and of course entertainers. Really there should be something for everyone, so take a look and give these bloggers a visit if you see something interesting. This list will evolve over time as we find more awesome bloggers to add so check back regularly!

Robā€™s Vegas and Poker Blog

best poker blogs to follow 2015

In his Vegas and Poker Blog, Rob covers his tournament results, and shares a ton of fun stories. While he mixes in game play tips and analyzes his hands, I find I get the most enjoyment out of his Vegas stories. Check out his blog for live cash and tournament play, and his adventures through Vegas. Follow Rob on Twitter here.

Rupert Elder's Blog

Rupert Elder Poker Blog

Surely youā€™ve heard of Rupert and his blog - he was even invited to attend the UK Poker Awards as a best blogger nominee. His tournament poker results speak for themselves and he drops knowledge in his writing when it fits in. Reading his blog you can also enjoy some narratives, and information on his forays into the world of investing. Rupert plays a mix of live and online games.

Follow Rupert Elder on Twitter

Check out his stream on Twitch

Randy Lew's Poker Blog

randy lew's poker blog

Randy ā€œnanonokoā€ Lew has a very visual blogging style where he constantly uploads new pictures, and ā€œvlogā€ style posts where he does his hand reviews. Heā€™s a PokerStars pro who travels around the world and shares his experiences through his camera shots and blog posts. He even has a dedicated strategy section - so this blog really has something for everyone.

Follow Randy on Twitter

Check out this short documentary on Randy made by PokerStars

Tune into his Twitch stream!

The Rant by Aarone Barone

Aarone Barone's Poker Blog

Weā€™ve seen a mix of live and online player blogs so far, but Aarone Baroneā€™s blog ā€œThe Rantā€ goes in depth on SNG grinding. He provides full disclosure on his results with frequently updated graphs, and interesting insights on the game for his readers. Follow him as he decides if heā€™ll run for PokerStars Supernova Elite status again for a whopping 68% rakeback.

Follow Aaron on Twitter

BlackRain79 by Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams Blackrain79 Poker Blog

Nathan is originally from Canada and currently residing in Thailand for most of the year where heā€™s on the grind, coaching, writing on his blog, and even wrote two microstakes books that he has available on his site. His blog is a great resource for small stakes players, he offers coaching, and thereā€™s even a community forum that is growing every day.

Follow Nathan on Twitter

And check out his two books Modern Small Stakes and Crushing The Microstakes

Terrence Chan's Poker and MMA Blog

Terrence Chan Poker Blog

Just look at the subheading on his blog and youā€™ll get an idea of what Terrence Chan is all about. Heā€™s most known playing high-limit holdā€™em games, and has had some success in the WSOP. Terrence also founded the customer support for both PokerStars and Ultimate Poker. As of late he has been driving full speed ahead into the world of competitive MMA holding an amateur record of 3-0 and professional record of 1-0. What an interesting and well rounded guy you are Terrence! Check out his blog for posts on his MMA journey, nutrition, travel, and occasionally poker.

Follow Terrence Chan on Twitter

Roy Bhasin on Godlike Roy

Roh Bhasin Godlike Roy Poker Blog

Roy Bhasin is a PokerStars: Team Online member who blogs about his favorite topics including: food & wine, health & fitness, travel, and of course poker. He updates the poker section of his blog with at a decent frequency and you can also catch him streaming on Twitch. If you're into it, he also goes over some basic information on sports betting. You can follow him on Twitter here.


Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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