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Maximize Your Poker Earnings

5 Tips for playing poker via an app

2,582 Views on 30/7/24

Poker Apps

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Mobile technology has brought us endless entertainment in the palm of our hands. Anyone can start playing poker with a swipe and a touch from anywhere. Although the game of poker remains the same whether you play it online or offline regarding the rules, there are other factors to consider.

However, no matter which app you decide to use, one thing remains the same. According to Poker Apps LTD, all forms of real money gambling require secure licensing and regulations. As such, all of the best poker apps for real money will display proof of a reputable license. This means you can rest assured that any information you provide will be kept safe via SSL encryption technology.
It's obvious that the circumstances when playing online are vastly different than when you play in a real casino, and it can be tricky to adjust, but with some tips and tricks, you can get settled in right away.

1. The time factor

Rules for online and offline poker are the same, but the online version had to adjust for the global audience. Generally speaking, in real poker there are no time limits to a player's turn. The art of putting pressure on your opponent, bluffing, reading his turns, and playing the psychological game is all part and charm of real interactions between players, and in most cases, there are no time limits to players' turns.

Players can get called out for "tanking" or deliberately delaying turns, but these are the expectations rather than the norm. On the other hand, playing online poker via an app or website lets you group and play with people worldwide in a series of quick plays with great bonuses. But, to accommodate players with different time schedules and data limitations and to discourage disruptive behavior, mobile poker has time limits on turns. This can be a surprising change for those who are just starting or used to slower gameplay.

The time gap may differ between games, and with online poker, the exception is that there are games with no time limits (usually custom games hosted among verified and trusted players). Taking the time to adjust to time is how you'll get the best experience.

2. Start low

You've just got your new poker app, registered, done all the prep work, and are ready to go! Most players dive into games and quickly burn out. Poker should be savored and enjoyed as a great playing experience, and it's always wise to test out the waters before you dive right in! Placing low bets while playing online poker or on online crypto gambling sites will let you get a "feel" for the game and your surroundings.

Professional poker players always have warm-ups before the tournaments. Testing your luck, getting acquainted with the room, and getting yourself in the mood is a smart way to start your poker session. Low bets also carry a low risk of you losing any patience if Lady Lucky decides not to smile at you on a particular day. Low bets also offer a great way to ease yourself into higher bets and games if you see the cards going your way.

3. One at a time

A phenomenal feature of online poker is that you can play at multiple tables simultaneously. It's great for when you wish to get some extra adrenaline and when you can manage and juggle multiple games simultaneously. But, whenever you are just getting started it is smart not to overwhelm yourself. Games can help with your decision-making skills, but as with every good engine, your brain needs some time to warm up and get used to the onslaught of information multiple tables of online poker can provide.

Whether it is two, five, or more, start with a single table of poker. Play a game or two and then move on to the next step. Only when you see you can manage two tables and wish to go forward, add the third table. Whenever you need to add more tables, always add one more, play some games in your new settings, and then decide if you wish to play at more tables or keep your current settings.

4. Be comfortable

This may sound like a small point when you play online, but you won't play the same while riding on a bus or when you are at home. Stress is all around us, whether it's from a bumpy, crowded, and noisy ride or whenever you are running from one place to another. Stress leads to you making horrible decisions, degrading concentration, and frustration.

Try to play in an environment where you feel safe and comfortable. Online poker games can be stress relievers just as much as they can cause it, and you should do as much as you can to minimize the external factors. Everything counts when you play poker, and eliminating stress from the equation can make your online poker sessions that much more enjoyable.

5. Consistency

Let's say that your favorite hand is two pairs. For whatever reason, you love to see one pair and aim to complete the second. Keeping a consistent strategy in online poker will give you optimal results. When you have a preferred hand you have a goal to strive for. It's easier to think about what you wish to accomplish, and you can exude confidence once you have it. For a player who prefers two pairs as his winning combo, he will look as confident as if he has a royal flush.

And that can make all the difference between winning and losing in an online poker match. A two-pair may be low on the priority table but beats a fold or high card. The nature of online poker promotes faster gameplay, which can lead to players frequently changing and trying out something new. Such a style of play can confuse you, and you can lose sight of focus, so adopting a consistent online strategy is how you'll best enjoy your online poker sessions.


Playing poker online via an app has its charms. When you play at your leisure, you dictate the tempo. You have complete control over your surroundings, and entire casinos are in your hands. But, online poker is slightly different from actual poker, and the differences don't have to be a turn-off. Adopting and embracing the unique nature of online poker will lead to you becoming a better player and enjoying the game more.


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