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  4. Avoid These 5 Leaks and Start Earning Some Serious Poker Cash
Maximize Your Poker Earnings

Avoid These 5 Leaks and Start Earning Some Serious Poker Cash

13,267 Views on 28/7/14

Even the best in the game have some leaks, but we provide you the resources to make your game error-free and start earning some serious money

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Watch our free coaching video on how to crush the common cash game mistakes.

pokerguysThese mistakes, or 'leaks' as we call them, have been stopping you from making money at the tables.

There are very few, if any, online poker players whose game is completely free of any leaks. Naturally, the biggest number of leaks is found at the lower stakes, where many players are still just learning the ropes of the game.

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Calling too much  

Micro stakes players often tend to call way too much despite the fact their opponents do not bluff nearly often enough to justify this approach. This is something that should not only be avoided but also used to our advantage. Knowing that opponents are prepared to call with wide array of hands means that we should be going for value and getting people to pay us when we have the goods.

Missing value


can be rather serious leak. When you have a good hand, you need to earn the maximum amount of money possible. Failing to do so is in fact very similar to losing money - in the end you have less money than you should have ended up with. Both of these leaks can be well related to a third one, which is disregard for position

Disregard for position

Being the first to speak in the handmakes it hard to control what happens next and if you strive to become a good poker player, you want to always be in control!

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Too much aggression can hurt you.


Even if you are very new to poker, you’ve probably heard that being aggressive is good. But playing too aggressively can also be your pitfall, especially in smaller stake tournaments. In these tournaments, all you really need is to play solid, enter the pots with good hands and avoid trying to be too fancy. Playing too many hands and putting too many chips in the pot with weak hands, trying to bluff, will end up costing you money.

Playing face up

Another leak that may not be as important against the bad players but that you should probably get rid off as soon as possible . The bad players will probably not notice, but more experienced ones will pick up on your tendencies rather quickly and they will start to use this against you. If you feel that there are leaks in your game that need urgent attention, or you simply want to learn how to play solid, winning poker, visit these learning resources and you could also give a shot to our special midstacking strategy that helped many players take their game to the next level.

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Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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