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Maximize Your Poker Earnings

Crazy March is Coming to PokerVIP

6,638 Views on 23/2/15
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A February always flies by fast, pokerimageand 2015 was no different in that regard. We are only days away from March and, as always, it is time for us at PokerVIP to take a closer look and see how have our players done thus far and to let you know what to expect in the very near future.

February Top 200

  • As the things stand right now, PokerVIP players are looking into an average return in excess of 20% from the Top 200 race alone!
  • Although some details are yet to be updated, getting your name on the leaderboard was never easier. All you need is about $100 in rake paid to be on pace to receive $45 prize, for an extraordinary 45 return
  • Right now, two of our regular stars are battling it out for the top spot, with p*r*y*r*e* and Bubbles830 trying to outrun each other. Third place D*i*y*D*c* could still get in the mix for the top spot as well.
  • Top 200 will be back in March, so if you are still not on the PokerVIP team, this is a good time to join the party!

Room of the Month: Full Flush Poker

Our pick for this month’s Room of the Month pokerimage goes (again) to Full Flush Poker. The room is a part of the Equity Poker Network. It offers game to players from all over the world, including players from the United States!

Not only that it offers plenty of fish and soft tables, but there is also a lot of action going on around the clock, making sure there are games available whenever you feel like playing.

Software is quite user friendly, so your experience should overall be quite enjoyable at Full Flush.

In addition to these general benefits, here are special perks that you will get by signing up through PokerVIP:
  • 150% First Deposit Bonus clearing at 15% (duration: 30 days)
  • 30% cashback available at any time (10% instant + 10% VIP addon + 10% deposit method addon)
  • Special Happy Hour tournaments
  • Generous $1,000 First Depositor Freerolls
  • Total returns of at least 45%
If you like the sound of this and would like to test yourself against some American players, then Full Flush is the place to be. With very favorable conditions for players, a decent looking and functional software and perhaps the softest player pool available anywhere, you shouldn’t miss this opportunity to join the action on Full Flush Poker today!


Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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