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Dan Bilzerian - Making Millions from Poker

53,784 Views on 31/7/14
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Does the name Dan Bilzerian ring a bell? It probably does, because if you spend any decent amount of time online, he is one guy who is really hard to miss. But did you know that he actually made about $50 million in past 12 month from poker alone?

Poker enabled Dan Bilzerian to live his life by his own rules and enjoy every single minute of it!

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A modern day internet Wolf of Wallstreet - Dan Bilzerian is type of the guy who lives the life to the fullest. Although his net-worth is estimated to be around $100 million, his lifestyle is more that of a billionaire. If you’ve ever stumbled upon his Instagram, you could quickly realize that there are three main things dominating his life: poker, guns and sexy girls. Dubbed 'Playboy of Instagram', Bilzerian lives the life by his own rules and although the public is often shocked by his actions, it does not faze him one little bit.

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Dan Bilzerian earned more than $20 Million playing poker last year. He plays in the biggest cash games in the World against rich business men, actors and other wealthy figures Forbes Magazine

Always surrounded by gorgeous women, when not playing poker Bilzerian spends a bulk of his time cruising around on his yacht or shooting guns to relax. Admittedly, this is not the lifestyle for anyone, and a lot of people probably could not handle it. It is too much adrenaline, too much rush, simply too much fun! But for others, he is living the dream, doing only the things he wants to do, when he wants to do them.

Bilzerian got where he is today playing poker!

He did it by learning a lot about the game and picking the right games to play in. He did it by approaching it in a right way and treating as a business. Dan was, in true sense of the phrase, serious about poker!

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Could you be the next Dan Bilzerian?
Do you have what it takes and could you handle it? You can answer these questions partially for yourself, but on the poker side of things PokerVIP school has got your back. If you are ready to become serious about poker, there is everything you can possibly need to become a highly successful winning player. We are not claiming the millions will come over night, but they are out there for taking.


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Winning real money at poker is far easier than beating the stock market - that's why poker has created hundreds of under 30 millionaires. We're not saying it's a get rich quick scheme, but poker truly affords a free lifestyle and allows you to live the life to the fullest, just like Bilzerian, so it is definitely an effort well worth your time and dedication. Are you ready to set on a path that will take you to the life you always dreamed about? Go ahead
and start you poker journey today – only determination will bring you to the place in life where you want to be!

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