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Maximize Your Poker Earnings

Microgaming's True Value Rake System

10,291 Views on 3/8/12
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Microgaming has great games, solid software and a number of good, safe skins to play at including: BetVictor and StanJames.

Inpokerimage order to keep their games ultra enjoyable, on July 1st the network announced their new, True Value rake system.

True value is a new way of determining player rake and as such operators will be rewarded for recruiting players that are perceived as being good for the network and that are enjoyable to play against.

Players will continue to be paid their loyalty payments based on the weighted contributed rake method.

Microgaming stated that "This new valuation is achieved in such a way that players themselves will remain unaware".

Lydia Melton, Head of Network Games for Microgaming went on to state that Microgaming "are firmly on a path to creating a new type of poker network and this is one vital step on that path and follows on from the formation of the industry’s first Network Management Board last November".


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