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  4. PokerVIP March Halfway Checkpoint
Maximize Your Poker Earnings

PokerVIP March Halfway Checkpoint

5,883 Views on 19/3/15

PokerVIP March Halfway Checkpoint

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Day by day, pokerscreenwe left the first half of the March 2015 behind us. As is always the case, there was no lack of action as PokerVIP players demonstrated heart and commitment to the game, chasing money on and off the tables, as there are many awards awaiting even those who only play a little here and there.

$30,000 Top 200 Overview

As anticipated in the last article, there weren’t many changes on top of our leaderboard.
  • p*r*y*r*e* is in the lead and is ahead of the pack by a long mile and is currently looking at $3,000, about 34% return on his play from the Top 200 race alone!
  • Second place fortunateone1 has created some breathing room between him and the rest of the pack, but still has a lot of work to do if he wants to make it to the top. As it is, he is still looking at the $1,750, for a return of around 33%
  • Battle for the third place is a close one at the moment, as several players have almost identical number of points and the positions can change around any day
  • Average race return currently stands at 18.7%
  • For small time players, all you need to get your name up there is about $160 in rake paid, for a return of about 15%

Deal of the Week (for players from the UK, Finland and Ireland): Sky Poker

Sky Poker is pokerscreenone of those rooms that many players would like to add to their schedules but, unfortunately, only some can. If you belong to the lucky group, that is if you live in the UK, Finland or Ireland, you will definitely want to get in the action on Sky Poker.

This independent room offers some of the softest games available on both cash tables and in the tournaments and good players stand to have a really good win rates. Add to that the perks you will get with PokerVIP, and you are really in the line to make some serious money.
  • Generous £500 bonus clearing at 24%
  • 30% Rakeback
  • Participation in the Top 200 $30,000 race
  • + £10 free
  • Total returns: 64% (+the free £10)
If you don’t have a Sky Poker account and are eligible for one, there is no time like now. Head over to PokerVIP and become a Sky Poker playerto receive all the perks and play in some of the softest games known to mankind.

Deal of the Week (ROW): Tiger Gaming

Although it is pokerscreenunfortunate that not everyone has access to Sky Poker games, there isn’t much that can be done on that front. What we can do is offer you an alternative, and this week, our top pick is Tiger Gaming!

Here’s what you will get by signing with PokerVIP:
  • Fastest clearing bonus in the industry up to $2,500, clearing at amazing rate of 55%!
  • Access to PokerVIP Top 200 race awarding $30,000 to our players every month
  • Very soft games
  • Total return with bonus + race: about 65%
Take your pick and join PokerVIP team of crushers today. Play poker with us and get rewarded for your efforts the way you deserve it!

If you have any further questions, queries or need to clear something up before playing, our support is available via email and live chat almost around the clock. Shoot them the message and they will get you the answer to any questions you may have in the shortest time possible.


Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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