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  4. Share Scheme Explained
Maximize Your Poker Earnings

Share Scheme Explained

8,225 Views on 2/8/11

Here's how it works

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Share Scheme Explained

Hereโ€™spokerimage how it works. The 50 highest raking players will be accepted into the iPokerVIP StanJames Share Scheme and will be guaranteed to win a share of the $5,000 prize fund.

The amount of the prize fund that will be awarded to each qualifying player will be equal to the amount of rake paid by an individual as a percentage of the total rake paid by all qualifying players during the counting period. For example:

Total Rake paid by qualifying players: $50,000

  • Player A Rakes $5,000 (10% of total rake) and wins $500 (10% of prize fund)
  • Player B earns $1,000 (2% of total rake) and wins $100 (2% of prize fund)
  • Player C earns $250 (0.5% of total rake) and wins $25 (0.5% of prize fund)

Qualifying players will be able to track their progress and their current prize share on the leaderboard table which will be updated daily.


Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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