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Top Tips for a Trip to Las Vegas in 2021

3,938 Views on 15/2/21

After a dreadful 2020 anybody with half an interest in gambling is going to be checking the prices for a trip to the gambling Mecca of Las Vegas

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After a dreadful 2020 anybody with half an interest in gambling is going to be checking the prices for a trip to the gambling Mecca of Las Vegas. 2021 is the year that it is all supposed to be firing back up again. It is gonna be full on party time! Don’t get over-excited though, because after such a long time away from the table there will be a few pitfalls to avoid on your holiday. You shouldn’t forget how many ways there are to ruin your trip and leave you returning home feeling like you’re wanting another holiday. 

If the thought of coming home feeling worse than when you left scares you then maybe online casinos are a better bet for you. There are plenty of great options if you want to try them out on this website because brick-and-mortar casinos aren’t for everybody.

Make a Plan: There is no worse feeling than losing more money than you intended to risk. If you’re on a holiday make sure that you make a plan for how much you are prepared to risk every day without it affecting your mindset. Do NOT under any circumstances get your credit card out and start willy-nilly throwing chips all around the place.

Casino chips are real money: They might not feel like it but casino chips are, of course, real money. It is so easy to get into the groove of betting and completely forget how much you are wagering over an evening. Always keep a running count in your mind where you stand for the session.

Avoid Free Booze: There might be plenty of beautiful young ladies handing out free drinks through the night but don’t think that the casino doesn’t have a plan of their own in mind. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that a customer who is “well-oiled” will be more inclined to be more free-spending over the session.

Avoid the poker tables if you’re a beginner: Be careful about dumping chips to the locals on poker tables that you have no business being anywhere near. These people have a lifetime of experience of parting the holidaymakers from their hard-earned cash.

Target the best VIP service: “Comping” throughout Las Vegas is all about looking after the best customers. Free rooms and meals are just the tip of the iceberg. If you find yourself as the recipient of a deal ask yourself why they are doing this. If you’re happy with what you are spending then don’t worry, but make sure that you’re getting the best deals that your patronage deserves.

Don’t lose track of time: Casinos pump in thousands of gallons of oxygen into the casino to keep everybody awake and feeling good. If the customers feel good then they won’t want to leave and they will continue spending. You will quickly notice that there are no clocks on the floor with the intention of not disturbing you from playing on the tables. 

The most important thing is to enjoy your holiday. You might spend a little too much but just make sure that you don’t go too crazy. Get the most out of your time away because Las Vegas is as good as it gets for a gambling fan.


Mark Patrickson

Mark Patrickson is a professional cash game player grinding stakes up to 100nl 6 Max NL Hold'em13 years experience of poker, across MTT SnG and cash, FL PL NL.Currently living in South East Asia and trying to make it back to mid-stakes befo ... Read More


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