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Maximize Your Poker Earnings

Week at PokerVIP: $15k Shipped Out as the Races Continue

5,467 Views on 13/11/14
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Today was the first of many big days to follow at PokerVIP. Our first of five scheduled $15k 12-day races has been concluded and total of 200 players have been paid.


Winter Miracle Multiplier Race

  • w*a*t*e*l*p*l*pand nesquick are on pace to reach the Elite status granting them 3x multiplier on the guaranteed top prizes ($5,000 & $3,000).
  • However, it is not only top grinders that will benefit from the miracle. Right now, all it takes to get you on the leaderboard is $82 in rake paid. This constitutes a current return of just under 50%!
  • Going by current numbers, top players in the race will receive the average return of 41% without multipliers being applied and around 125% after the multipliers for those reaching elite.
  • It is not too late to become the part of Winter Miracle and receive your share of more than $210,000 we are giving away to our loyal players

Betfair Natural Born Grinders

  • Natural Born Grinders is exclusive Betfair rake race. What is so special about it is the fact that it is completely dominated by PokerVIP players
  • Whatheflipflop, nesquickdcc & Bubbles830 have raked more than the other top ten players combined!
  • PokerVIP is home to some of the most serious players on the planet and this pure domination is a clear testimony to the fact!


Room of the Week: Tigergaming

pokerimagePokerVIP has made it somewhat of its mission to cruise the Internet in search for some of the softest room with biggest returns in existence. This week, we bring you Tigergaming.
  • Super soft games
  • $2,500 100% bonus that clears at incredible 55.5%
  • Part of PokerVIP Winter Miracle:

-          Estimated return from $15k races: 14%

-          Estimated return from the $50k Multiplier Race: 10%

Total estimated return: 79.55%!


Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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