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Maximize Your Poker Earnings

Week at PokerVIP: Another $15k Dispatched

6,393 Views on 26/11/14
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pokerimageTime really flies. We’ve already reached the end of our second 12-day $15k race and some more money has been dispatched towards our players. Grinders and amateurs alike had something to look forward too, but naturally, those doing the hardest work at the tables reaped the biggest rewards.

Second $15k Race

With another $15,000 given out, 200 of PokerVIP players have found some extra cash in their accounts, with an average return of 8.75%.

  • Once again, it was pokerstar131313 running away with the top prize of $1,400. This guy just wins all over the place, and it is only fair with the time and dedication he’s put into the game.
  • Current return for pokerstar131313 from 12-day races alone is an amazing 17.24%

However, the Miracle is miracle for a reason, and even our casual players were rewarded once again. 

  • It took only $108 in rake paid to get your name up on that list, or about $9 per day – so this one is really open for everyone!

Winter Miracle Multiplier Race

We are now almost a half-way through our $50k Multiplier Race. It’s been an exciting ride thus far, with some ups and downs and one constant.

  • Once again, it is pokerstar131313, who has just cruised past the $20k mark,who is maintaining his pace for the Elite status which awards a 3x multiplier, opening a possibility of winning $15,000 even!
  • With the multiplier his return at this point would constitute 74,71%. Even without a multiplier, his return still amount to 24.9%.
  • Right now only $155 in rake paid is needed to get your name on the list.
  • Average return of the Multiplier Race at this point, excluding multipliers, is 12,57%.

Betfair Natural Born Grinders

Serious players play with PokerVIP and quite few of them have found their homes at Betfair. Their presence there is well known, as three of the top six guys in their exclusive Natural Born Grinders race are our Players!


Let’s call it like we see it: PokerVIP players are owning!

Room of the Week: StanJames

pokerimageThis week we are bringing you the room that you have probably heard of, but with a new perspective of things. There is a lot of value to be had if you are playing there as PokerVIP player:

  • Huge $1,250 bonus which clears at sweet 20% rate
  • 30% Rakeback
  • $10k worth of exclusive races every month, with average return of 10%+
  • $210k PokerVIP Winter Miracle
  • Total return: 60% + $210k Winter Miracle!

Sign up with StanJames now using code IPOKERVIP and become a part of the Winter Miracle today!


Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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