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Maximize Your Poker Earnings

What Currency Should I Deposit In?

7,253 Views on 23/2/11

Why you should always deposit in your native currency

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Rake Race

Always Deposit in Your Native Currency

It is a belief amongst players that it is ev+ to deposit in the currency they most regularly play to avoid table exchange fees and the notorious auto top-up problems.

The truth is, however, that in the majority of cases your bank will charge you far more to exchange money than any online poker room will.

  • When depositing or withdrawing using a credit or debit card most banks charge 2% for conversion.
  • Bank exchange rates are usually one penny away from the base rate.

It turns out poker rooms aren't so bad themselves.

  • When buying in at a table that is a different currency to your account the exchange rate will remain the same when you buy in, top up and cashout.
  • Auto top up losses cost the average iPokerVIP player ~$10 a month.


Aside from being a lot easier to deposit to a poker room in your native currency, it also makes financial sense. Poker is a game of variance. Why add more variance by having your account fluctuate with exchange rates?


Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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