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Maximize Your Poker Earnings

What do millionaire online poker pros have in common?

19,417 Views on 29/7/14

We reveal the strategies and 'secrets' of top pros.

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Over the last decade the game of poker has exploded. It has created hundreds of self-made millionaires who have successfully used their skills to outsmart the opposition.

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The greatest truth never told about online poker: The largest factor that effects whether you win or not, is not you. It's your opponents.

90% of my poker profit comes from the fish, the bad players at the table. I'm a ruthless shark against those players. Jon Lundy, PokerVIP Coach

Although, I'm no Usain Bolt, if you put me in a sprint against some 40+ year olds, I'm going to come out on top. But, if you put me on the track vs some kids, who train a little, I'm going to get killed. Obvious right?

So how then, do we earn big money playing online?


Just in the same way you wouldn't bet on yourself winning the 100m vs people who are genuinely fast, it's suicide to sit in a poker game with decent players.

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Often, the guys that make millions are not the best. In fact sometimes the best guys are stuck grinding out the low stakes. The truly successful players are those who are disciplined and stack the odds in their favour, by only playing in poker games where they are the best player at the table.

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Game selection is not the only thing that sets the best players apart.

Serious poker players use PokerVIP to ensure they always have an edge and best of all, it doesn't cost a penny.

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  • Real Poker Support - Chat to our knowledgeable team of poker wizards to find out where the best games are for you.


Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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