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Poker Mental Game & Planning

Motivation in Poker

13,932 Views on 11/2/14

How to stay motivated to achieve greatness in poker

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Motivation can come in all shapes and forms in poker, some strive to be the best, some strive to pay the bills. All motivation is good motivation. Doing what it takes to make you happy or to have the lifestyle you want is the right way to go about things.

Self motivation is very tough, running a business or being a poker player needs a certain drive to make to meet goals and surpass expectations.

Setting goals and targets or keeping a blog is key to motivation. Setting pure monetary goals may not be the best thing to do but having a routine, amount of hands/tournaments to play and trying to improve can only be a good thing. It's something to always look back on to see what you have not done and what you should do.


Watching poker coaching videos or railing games you aspire to beat can be an option. Seeing how others play is always a great idea and if this pushes you on to grind more, harder and better then do more of it. Even watching motivational videos from sports could boost you!

Most peoples motivation is monetary gains or climbing levels in anything. You can set these goals but don't punish yourself if you don't hit them. Variance is something we cannot stop so missing a goal may just be down to the poker gods.

Be realistic with your goals so that you can hit them. There is nothing better than reaching a goal or a milestone - Most importantly it will give you the self belief to move forward and achieve more.

Methods for motivation in poker: 

  • Watch the games you want to be in
  • Keep track of your wins and losses
  • Have pictures or ideas around you that you aim to get (could be a car or a house!)
  • Speak to players who have made it and learn from them
  • Make a structured routine to achieve your poker goals
  • Always try to work harder than the next guy
  • Use poker training techniques 
  • Don't let losses or bad days get you down!
  • Understand Variance
  • DO things that make you happy.
  • Play empowering music
  • Watch film clips and motivational speeches! Add these quotes next to your dream pictures!
  • Meditate - Take a few minutes to lie down, breath slowly and picture your dreams in your head and how you're going to get there slowly but surely.



Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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