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Poker Mental Game & Planning

Online Poker & Financial Freedom

8,970 Views on 12/9/13

The Reasons why some poker players prefer to play staked with other people's money backing.

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Why would a poker player want to be staked? Reasons for Staking in Poker.

Reasons generally differ depending on the player. Every individual will have a different need to be staked in poker. Its a common misconception that everyone who is backed to play poker is broke. 

Personal Financial issues


Many players make bad decisions, both on the felt and in life. Some of the best players in the world will always be personally broke because of that. If you’re a young guy living at home paying no bills and spending money as quick as you earn it, you soon get a shock when you have to move out or begin to support a family of your own. For this reason, taking your bankroll to pay a house deposit or feed a baby happens very often, so players need bankrolling to get back on their feet.

Poker Coaching


A Lot of backers offer poker coaching as part of the backing deal. Giving away 50% of profits in exchange for lots of 1-1 coaching will be a +ev decision for most. Having support from a player much better than you will improve your game indefinitely and its worth giving up the equity share.

Having a variance free life

Many players are quite happy not to invest their own money in to poker and receive half of the profit - poker staking gives them a feeling of freedom.

Being part of a team.


Not on the tables of course but off it! Being added into poker strategy groups and having a mentor sharing experiences with other players is a nice feeling if you have been doing it by yourself for a long time. It helps motivates other poker players and they also get to be somewhat of a coach/student at the same time - Helping the lesser skilled players and learning from the advanced players.

Having more freedom

Many poker players will generally have a bankroll on one site. Being staked can often lead to having bankrolls across multiple sites. This opens up other avenues for the player to make money and it also helps them to find better sites that suits them.

Many players will not be staked all of their career but will have certain contracts/agreements in place. For some its a quick fix and for others its a long term plan.


If you’re interested in being a staked poker player, fill out our staking application here on PokerVIP. Good luck!


Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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