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Poker Mental Game & Planning

Tips for Guaranteed Success in Poker

9,466 Views on 23/1/14

Top Tips for success in poker - Use this and success is all but guaranteed!

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Top tips to keep in mind for Guaranteed Poker Success. If you're motivated and can stick to the tips and ideas laid out in this article, we're certain that you'll reach success in poker.

Planning and Action


Planning your way to poker success is of paramount importance. You need to plan at the beginning of each month and answer a number of questions. These are even more important for aspiring players in full time employment or education. Learning to succeed at poker as just as difficult as learning a new language - Regardless of how much free time you have, if you spend that time wisely you will reach your goals.

  • How much time will you allocate to playing poker each day?
  • How much time will you allocate to studying poker each day?
  • What are you willing to sacrifice in order to better yourself at poker?

You need to plan financially for the possibility of a downswing, and mentally too. down a schedule each month with your plan of action and stick to it. Whatever your plan is, keeping on top of it is so important in helping you to reach an end goal. Write . The rewards of sticking to a plan and working hard towards it for even a month will be huge. You'll be filled with the sense of belief that you can do it if you stick your mind to it, which is invaluable for the future, even if you give up playing poker.

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Focus and Observation - Identify your opponents weakness


"Remember, your focus is your reality" - George Lucas.

There's one thing in common with mediocre grinders, they drift through day-to-day playing 16 tables for 8 hours and eek out a living. They don't adapt much and they don't change. These players get so comfortable in their own style of play that they fail to adapt and exploit the playing style of their opponents. 

It's no coincidence when you watch poker training videos of top poker professionals that they seem to have a very keen on eye on the details - They always have a strong range in their mind and they always remember the details of each opponent.

Here's some real tips you can implement today to stay focused: 

  • Leave yourself post-it notes to remind you to focus when you feel yourself 'drifting' through a session.
  • The focus technique: Force yourself to focus on one thing - observing players actions and make notes. The first time you try this you'll drift out of focus quite quickly, but keep pulling yourself back in to a state of focus. After pulling yourself back in to focus 50 times in one session it'll soon become second nature. This technique is similar to a boxer raising his hands to his chin when his hands drop to remind himself to defend.
  • Keep zoned in and remove distractions. Do you ever reach the end of a day and wonder if you've really accomplished anything that day? Most likely you're susceptible to distractions and procrastinations. The most successful people throughout history have been headstrong men, able to focus in on what's importnat. It's impossible to fully focus on many things at once. In an age of social media, instant news, alerts and distractions sometimes it's difficult to focus on what matters. Try to keep in the zone and block out any distractions - You're going to have to focus purely on playing this best poker you can if you really want to succeed. 

Get ahead by learning and knowing the most


"Knowledge is power"

  • Watch Training Videos & Leak Finder Videos - Don't look at the crazy moves pro players pull. Instead, focus on the details, like how the pros think about their hands and the level-head approach. If you're struggling pre-flop, watch videos related to pre-flop play. If you're struggling post-flop, watch some videos on post-flop play and take notes.
  • Request Hand Reviews in the PokerVIP forum and receive a range of responses from our experienced professionals.
  • Request advice on your statistics or playing style and receive free poker tips in the PokerVIP strategy forum.
  • Read strategy posts from top players on the forums.

Studying your own game is important - You need to constantly be reminded of hands you've played badly and what you did wrong. That's they key to learning, no matter how good you think you are. I've talked to players who would once consider themselves online professionals, and a major regret of theirs is that they didn't stay on top of their game. Ego got in the way and the players couldn't face the thought of admitting that they were no longer good enough or didn't have the required skills to beat the ever evolving online poker games.

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See the Big Picture and don't tilt


Poker is all about variance, that's what makes it so difficult. You have to take the bad with the good and still come out on top to be successful in poker. Many people in all walks of life (not just poker) fail to step back and vision the big picture in life. Trees don't grow in a week and Rome wasn't built in a day. Cliche sayings I know, but there's a reason they're so common and popular - They represent persistence and determination to reach your vision. Set yourself goals each month and have an overall vision of where you want to be in poker.


Jon PokerVIP

10 years and over 10 million hands of cash game poker Jon-PokerVIP brings a wealth of experience to team VIP. If he isn't winning 150k a month prop hands challenges  then he will be probably posting in our forum, streaming on ... Read More


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