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  4. 6-Max PLO Basic Starting Hand Chart
Pot Limit Omaha (PLO)

6-Max PLO Basic Starting Hand Chart

78,057 Views on 19/1/12

The basic starting hand chart for PLO.

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PLO Starting Hands Chart 

Here is a basic and conservative pot limit omaha hand chart for being the first to open (everyone folds to you) in various positions.

Notepokerimage that “BBB” or “NNN” assumes the random cards are different (unpaired).


B: Broadway card (A, K, Q, J, T) ss: Single suited

N: Non-low card (K, Q, J, T, 9) ds: Double suited

x: Any card as: Ace suited

r: Rainbow ks: King suited



BBBB, NNNNss, ANNNas, AKNNds, AKQxds, AAxx, AKKxss, KK65ss +, KKBBr +, AQQxas +, QQxxds, 9988 +, TT98ss +, T988ss +, JTT9ss +, JJT8ds +, QQ98ss +, QQT8ss +, QJT9r +, A987as +, 9876ss +, T976ss +, T986ss +, QT98ds


All of the above plus KK54ss +, QQBBss, QT98ss, QT98ss, J987ds, A876as, 9875ss, 9865ss, JJ98ds, 9987ss, 9877ss, T998ss

Also play any BBBBds hand (paired or not)


All of the above and add BBBxds, KKxx, QQ76ss +, A88xas +, 5566 +, 4567ss +, 5567ss +, 7765ss +, 8776ss +, A456as +, K765ks +, 9765ss +, 8654ds +, 9976ss +,TT86ss +, 9986ss + JT9xss +, T98xds +, QJ9xds +, QT9xds +

Also play any BBBBss hand (paired or not)



All of the above and add BBBxss, QQxx, A66xas +, A234as +, 2345ss +, 4455 +, 3567ss +, 4456ss +, 6654ss +, 7643ss +, K654ks +, 7754ss+, 8864ss +, J98xds +, 876xss+, 456xds +


Start out same UTG, you then add hands slowly going up the positions in the chart depending on how much the BB reacts (if he 3bets light, uses positional advantage postflop, etc.). Note that you should be doing the same thing for the other position depending on what you know of the people left to act behind you (especially the BTN and CO).


Matt Ranger

Matt Ranger, Small-Stakes PLO Coach at PokerVIP.com Matt Ranger is a small stakes PLO player and coach from Montréal, Canada. He is also an economics student and claims to “have the rap patrol on gat patrol” (Editor’s note: we have ... Read More


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