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Pot Limit Omaha (PLO)

PLO Tips - Taking Notes

8,919 Views on 28/11/13
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Taking notes whilst playing, we are all guilty of not doing it.

Every now and then doesn’t count, I mean taking notes on at least 80% of all hands showdown, your hands that you have shown down included. Its a good habit to get into, and unlike smoking it shows results and makes you money.

Next time you play a pot heads up, and your opponent shows a winning hand, try to get out of the following mindframe.

Villain shows j963 and wins

After firing a big river bet on a a2k54and getting called.

A typical reaction is something along these lines - “Oh, what a clown fish-cake. How could he get all the way here (the river) with such a absolute atrocity (his hand)? I’m just going to play him for another few hours and take everything in his bank account.”

Instead of doing that which is essentially just blowing hot air, quickly jot his hand down. Then if there is time retrace the betting action and flop texture. Use the replay hand button if you need to do so.

You would quickly notice that he fired the flop and turn barrels with very little equity and is probably prone to doing so in the future. Jot that down. Along with his actual hand. This is because he will most likely continue to play the same range of pre flop hands that he has been playing, unless he is good enough to adjust. But you will just have to cross that bridge when you get there.

Hands where you are shocked at an opponent’s river bet or his river call are actually one of the most important hands to make a note of, especially if you believe this spot will come up again often.

Everyone has their own habits and preferences when taking notes at the tables, for my methods on it check out my video. And if you have a good method of doing it please feel free to share and comment below.


Matt Ranger

Matt Ranger, Small-Stakes PLO Coach at PokerVIP.com Matt Ranger is a small stakes PLO player and coach from Montréal, Canada. He is also an economics student and claims to “have the rap patrol on gat patrol” (Editor’s note: we have ... Read More


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