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Texas Hold'em No Limit Beginner

Poker Hands and Rankings

21,792 Views on 8/3/12

Find out poker hands, their rankings and your odds of making certain hands!

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In order from the best Poker Hands to the worst hands.

Don't forget that we, at PokerVIP, want you to be the winners! If you want to know those Poker Hands right you have to check those lessons we have created for you! Start with our 1st Poker Hands lesson right here !

Royal Flush

Royal Flush

The best possible hand in poker is the royal flush. It consists of Ten, Jack, Queen, King and Ace,all of the same suit e.g. hearts

Odds: 1 in 649,350

Straight Flush

Straight Flush

The second strongest hand in poker is the straight flush. A straight flush is made up of five running or consecutive cards of the same suit.

If two players have a straight flush, the one with the highest card wins.

Odds: 1 in 72,192

Four of a Kind

Four of a Kind

Four cards of the same rank, e.g. Four Jacks. If two players have four of a kind, the player with the highest four of a kind wins.

It is possible two players will have the same four of a kind (if the four of a kind is on the board). In this case the player with the highest fifth card or 'kicker' wins because a poker hand is always composed of five cards.

Odds: 1 in 4,165

Full House

Full House

A full house is a three of a kind and a pair combined into one five card hand.

If two players have a full house, the player with the highest three of a kind wins. If the players have the same three of a kind, then the player with the highest pair wins.

Odds: 1 in 694



Five cards of the same suit make a flush.

If two players have a flush, the player with the highest card of the same suit as the flush wins.

Odds: 1 in 507.8



Five running or consecutive cards make a straight.

If two players have a straight, the one with the highest card wins.

Odds: 1 in 254

Three of a Kind

Three of a Kind

Three cards of the same rank make three of a kind.

If two players have the same three of a kind, then the remaining two cards determine the winner. Whoever has the highest remaining card will win the pot.

Odds: 1 in 46.3

Two Pair

Two Pair

Two pair hands are composed of two pairs.

If two players have two pair, the player with the highest pair will win the pot. In the event both players have the same two pair, the player with the higher fifth card or 'kicker' will win the pot. If both players hold the same hole cards, the pot will be split equally.

Odds: 1 in 20.03

One Pair

One Pair

A pair consists of two cards of the same rank.

If two players have a pair, the player with the higher pair wins. In the event two players have the same pair, the player with the highest remaining cards or 'kicker' wins.

Odds: 1 in 1.36

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I am of British nationality and go by the online alias w34z3l. I am considered one of the top consultants in the field for technical analysis (i.e. database work) and application of game theory concepts to various card games. I make a ... Read More


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