OOP QsTs7d - Hero betting range?
Just looked at this spot as prep for my next few how to crush in 15mins study videos and I think it is really interesting.
Hero opens in EP or MP and we get called by the CO or the BTN.
Flop: QsTs7d
I worked out that we really don't get many folds on this kind of flop texture (no shit ) so therefore we can't just go ahead and cbet ATC (again no shit ). So I've been looking into what kind of betting range I would have and what my plan is OTT and what I do with a x/c range, x/r range and when I will delay cbet.
I won't put up exactly what I have because I need to get ready for work... And I don't really want to influence people's ranges!
What would guys all do here? What are you cbetting, what are you x/c & x/r, what are you barreling again OTT and then again OTR, and what range do you delay cbet with if it goes x/x OTF?
Hero opens in EP or MP and we get called by the CO or the BTN.
Flop: QsTs7d
I worked out that we really don't get many folds on this kind of flop texture (no shit ) so therefore we can't just go ahead and cbet ATC (again no shit ). So I've been looking into what kind of betting range I would have and what my plan is OTT and what I do with a x/c range, x/r range and when I will delay cbet.
I won't put up exactly what I have because I need to get ready for work... And I don't really want to influence people's ranges!
What would guys all do here? What are you cbetting, what are you x/c & x/r, what are you barreling again OTT and then again OTR, and what range do you delay cbet with if it goes x/x OTF?