'Standard' Strategy, auto-pilot or anomaly?
•Edited 8 years ago
I've been reading the forums, hand histories articles, poker school (love it) and watching videos and all that fun stuff.
I've come across a - what can I call it - bit of confusion as regards to strategy and in particular, what is 'Standard strategy' and what is not.
So, I'll try to pose my question properly and hope it gets discussed or at the very least explained to a fish like me in simple terms.
Say I raise 89ss in MP, is that standard opening strategy? It says in my SHC that it is. I have two concerns with this that I can think of off-hand,
1. That it's standard but doesn't take into consideration the players still to act, the dynamics of the particular game, (consider aggressive/passive/3bet happy, small/large stack sizes etc.)
Admittedly it may be fine as a sort of 'default' opening hand for MP versus unknowns and has been shown over X hands to be profitable and beginners need something to keep them consistent, but let's face it, unknowns are only unknowns until one showdown surely?
So when we have numbers on our HUD all over the screen after 3 orbits, is it still standard? I beg to differ.
2. SHCs I have issues with in the first place anyway even though I use them myself; I am becoming less inclined towards them, except, as mentioned, as a starting point for beginners or versus unknowns.
So what I'm asking is what is 'standard' as far as opening ranges by position is concerned. Does it just cover beginner or readless situations, or is it really the standard and we should all do it auto-pilot and learn from our postflop mistakes as we go?
I wont go into postflop because I'm not qualified to even ask the question. I do know about 'standard lines' a bit.
I know my question isn't as well formed as I would like, if it was I would probably not need to ask it. I could go int much more detail but lack the writing skill of some of you. But if you have tha skill you can interpret my drivel easily enough.
My own answer is use it for a round or two then play the player. Simples. I just hope I haven't wasted your time with trivia is all.
I think if people reading this even consider changing their attitude to what is a 'standard' play then I have succeeded somewhat.
I have no real conclusion to this, but I hope to get one from you clever lot.
Damn I can waffle, sorry peeps.