Grind station setup

Posted 9 years agoEdited 9 years ago

Hi guys! Up until now I have been grinding on my 23" touchscreen desktop while sitting on my sofa! Not ideal but it was mainly because I have back problems from sitting at a desk all day so the last thing I wanted or was able to do was sit at a desk in my free time too! I have been seeing an osteopath for a few months now as well as doing a lot of posture stretches etc so think im ready to get a proper grind station set up!

I have the main thing which is a decent computer but need everything else basically! Thought you guys were probably the best people to ask as most will have researched for their own set up!

First thing on the list is a second monitor! I only want to play a maximum of 6 tables so think 1 new big monitor would fit the bill better than a split screen set up with a second 24"?? (comments welcome) I have looked at what spec I would need to fit 6 full size tables onto a single monitor and I would apparently need at least 27" and 2560 x 1440 pixels! Possible solution below but if anybody knows any better places feel free to shout up:


Other things I would need is a decent microphone, wired mouse, good chair and a desk! The Mrs says it has to be a nice desk so most likely white high gloss and glass etc! Any help on options or what you use for any of the above would be great Smile

Last Post 9 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago
The bigger the better as far as monitors are concerned. Your available space will be the limiting factor here, alongside budget.

Have you researched the options for decent chairs out there? I ended up with a bad back after grinding in all manner of cheap chairs when I was in Thailand, make sure you have the best chair that you can afford. Something orthopedic such as this

There's so much choice for peripherals such as mics and mice, it's more a matter of taste than anything else. I use the mic on my webcam, and it does me just fine. Are you looking for something more upmarket?

Anything you find on PCWorld that looks good, Google it and you'll get it much cheaper elsewhere I would imagine.
Posted 9 years ago
I am happy to pay for a good monitor! Just don't know if anything above 27" is pointless for 6 tables...............

I have had a look at some chairs but without seeing them in person you can never really tell! A good chair is a must though as like I say I have had back issues from crap chairs at work!

I just want a decent mic for streaming and videos etc as this is something I really want to do!
Posted 9 years ago
I used to have dual 24" screens that I liked at first, but I quickly found myself not using one of them. I then decided to go for one big screen instead. I got this thing several months ago and it's fantastic. I highly recommend it: LG Electronics UM67 34UM67 34-Inch Screen LED-lit Monitor. I paid $440 after applying some discounts. It may not be what you're looking for, but I figured I give you another idea to consider. If you're going this route, get the display port cable so you can use the max resolution. I play 4 tables very comfortably and there's still a ton of room for other tables if you play more.

Posted 9 years ago
Cookie Monster: I used to have dual 24" screens that I liked at first, but I quickly found myself not using one of them. I then decided to go for one big screen instead. I got this thing several months ago and it's fantastic. I highly recommend it: LG Electronics UM67 34UM67 34-Inch Screen LED-lit Monitor. I paid $440 after applying some discounts. It may not be what you're looking for, but I figured I give you another idea to consider. If you're going this route, get the display port cable so you can use the max resolution. I play 4 tables very comfortably and there's still a ton of room for other tables if you play more.

Cheers buddy! From the research I have done apparently a monitor like that would not be ideal as it is only 1092 pixels! The micro gaming tables are 600 high so would need a 1440 pixel monitor to fit 2 full size tables directly on top of each other if that makes sense!
Posted 9 years ago
Will call in our resident computer expert @MattVIP to help you with this one!

Posted 9 years ago
First things first. What's your budget (preferably for each part separately)? Without it, sky is the limit and it's hard to give you a good advice. I can't really help when it comes to the desk, but I can help you pick a good monitor, peripherals and chair (and yes going for one 1440p or even 4k monitor instead of two 1080p is a perfectly valid option).
Posted 9 years ago
Thanks Matt! In terms of a monitor I want to pay the minimum for a monitor that will fit 6 full size micro gaming tables on! I play poker to make money so do not really want to spend money for no advantage! But at the same time if a slightly more expensive monitor would be much better then im happy to shell out a bit more!

In terms of a chair I would rather get one that others have used and no is nice and comfortable and promotes good posture! Wouldn't want to spend any more than say £150.00 though as im sure you can get a very good chair for that price!

Mouse and mic are not really expensive so im happy to go with whatever people recommend really!
Posted 9 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Will call in our resident computer expert @MattVIP to help you with this one!

Had to quote myself here just because I love this global tagging system now where we can notify members who have not previously posted in the thread now.

So sick WP @vas.pokervip
Posted 9 years ago
As for the monitor this is the cheapest one I can recommend given your needs: BenQ GW2765HT It costs only slightly more than the one you've linked but you're trading 1ms response time (not important unless you're planning on becoming a professional first person shooter player) for an IPS panel (great colour representation and viewing angles, it really makes a difference and it's super important when you're using your monitor for longer periods of time) + more robust stand. Unless you're planning on gaming often on your PC and you're interested in dynamic refresh rate technologies like free sync or g-sync you don't really have to spend more.

As for the chair, I'd advise you to hit IKEA. They have some solid cost-effective solutions and it's best to test the chair before purchasing it. You can find a small checklist of features you should be looking for in this article: Click!

Posted 9 years ago
Cheers buddy that's awesome! Do you agree that a 27" monitor will be big enough for 6 tables?
Posted 9 years ago
It depends on the software that you're using but a number of tiled tables that you can display on your monitor is entirely resolution dependant. 1440p monitor will always display the same number of pixels no matter the display size. It's just that 27'' at 1440p offers a good pixel per inch ratio for productivity tasks (like poker) since it's easier to read text etc. And yes from what I know you can play 6 tables tiled using just about any software on a 27'' 1440p monitor.
Posted 9 years ago
Thanks you have been a great help!
Posted 9 years ago*
Sure thing sir! If you have any other questions (you can't visit IKEA/other furniture stores for some reason and you'd rather buy the chair online, or you've found 100$ in your budget for a kick-ass gaming mouse for example) don't hesitate to ask.