March Poker Goals Thread

Posted 8 years ago

So the time is here for us to set some goals for March and make sure we crush!

For me my main priority is the OPL as I truly believe in the league and want it to pop!

So my goals

1) Be top of the leaderboard end of March.
2) Stream at least 10 events.
3) Play my A game.


4) Create a new crushing the micro series on Party or Bwin


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Posted 8 years ago
1) Play 25k Hands
2) Take 10NL shots if bankroll allows me
3) Post at least once a day on here
4) BE POSITIVE! February was rough so let's leave it in the past!

Looking forward to streams Jon Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
1. Play live at least 3x/week. Mostly casino 1/2. (Home games with less than $200 BI don't count.)

2. Money
Posted 8 years ago
1. Play 40K hands
2. Win 10 sessions in a row
3. 4bet bluff at least once every 1K hands
4. Post and reply to at least two hand histories a day
Posted 8 years ago
1. Start waking up 10am (waking up 12:30pm atm), go to lala land 1-2am.
2. Buy ukulele;
3. Work out 4x a week including 1x swimming session;
4. Start scheduling my sessions ahead.
As I believe in 'look good, feel good, play good' approach, poker results and monetary bs will come along.
Posted 8 years ago
1. Final table at least 10 OPL tournaments and take down 4.

2. Continue to crush 4NL on Sky.

3. Record a video for review.
Posted 8 years ago
jongordon84: 1. Final table at least 10 OPL tournaments and take down 4.

2. Continue to crush 4NL on Sky.

3. Record a video for review.

10 in a month? I bloody hope not! lol

Posted 8 years ago
My goals are the usual, increase my win rate... STUDY and learn something more each day. Put in more hands whilst keeping the winrate up.

I was playing less tables last month BUT focused more on spots to take money and learning. Reading tables better and it's worked out. So hopefully can push on and keep it going.
Posted 8 years ago
1. Keep up or increase my current volume.
2. Always improve.
3. Win infinity billion dollars

Posted 8 years ago
jongordon84: 1. Final table at least 10 OPL tournaments and take down 4.

2. Continue to crush 4NL on Sky.

3. Record a video for review.

10 in a month? I bloody hope not! lol

Aim high right?
Posted 8 years ago
1. Hit all the PokerVIP staking targets
A. play 30K hands for the month
B. Post 10hand for line checks per week - i need to get on this, a bit short this week
2. Post a video for Jon to review. (I have sent him a few videos, but they were to get approved for staking, not review)
3. Hit 5K points in VIP system to get leakfinder from PokerVIP pro ( hopefully from @w34z3l or @Komododragonjesus )
4. Do at least 1 extensive HH review per week on my own and 1 per week with someone else (I don't do these enough to learn from my mistakes)
A. Would like to hit up @nojusticenopeace about. I like his Poker Journey and he seems really knowledgeable and is playing close to my limits.
B. I would like to use the guys in the staking group for HH review as well. I learn best from that kind of feedback
5. Although not quantifiable - I would like to help make the staking group better. Do whatever I can to help the other members and in turn help myself so we can all crush and OWN Betvictor!!

Oh yes and last but not least. I would like to be up for the month, although, I now know, that if I do all these other things to the best of my ability and just play as many hands as I can and learn as much as I can and get better, IT WILL JUST RAIN MONEY!!!

Posted 8 years ago
@fawltyfelix Wow, what an honour! I will try my best to help you with your review dude! Just post it in my blog or hit me up on Skype: fat_vicious
Looking forward to hear from you!
Posted 8 years ago
@nojusticenopeace, hi.
May I suggest you use the private messaging, as posting your skype/email etc publically may cause you problems.

Just an idea. Wink

Posted 8 years ago
yes ofc mate!
Posted 8 years ago
1. 30K hands
2. Study more
Posted 8 years ago
How we doing so far team?

My OPL grind is going really well and currently top of the leaderboard so with a bit of run good i will accomplish goal 1)

Goal 2 is tough as i am moving flat atm and its just a bit difficult to find a good streaming area.

Goal 3) in the events i won i certainly played my A game but did punt off in a couple.
Posted 8 years ago
Not great. Haven't been able to play much so only 2 final tables with one win. Not much cash played so no video done yet. Time to up the pace...
Posted 8 years ago
jongordon84: Not great. Haven't been able to play much so only 2 final tables with one win. Not much cash played so no video done yet. Time to up the pace...

Yeh bud 1/3 of the month already behind us! No time for wasting time.
Posted 8 years ago
Pwll: 1. Play 40K hands
2. Win 10 sessions in a row
3. 4bet bluff at least once every 1K hands
4. Post and reply to at least two hand histories a day

12 days in:
1. 14K hands in so it's close. See if I can step it up a bit this weekend.
2. Not sure but I think I managed 7 then got owned for a stoploss dammit. Starting again, two attempts left...try to keep track, how hard is it to count to 10!
3. Think I'm about on track for this but not much success, people just refuse to fold lately.
4. Weak; posting hands and few replies but not keeping up the pace.
Posted 8 years ago
@Pwll I think aiming to win sessions in a row is a path to self destruction (OK a bit dramatic).
It's what the win rate is at say 100k hands that counts mate. That's how I personally look at it.