My open raise ranges atm. Thoughts?

Posted 9 years agoEdited 9 years ago

So my last 20k hands i've been trying to follow these ranges. I am just wondering if any of you guys see any major leaks or somthing missing? Im currently playing 6max 10NL at microgaming. Maybe these are not optimal for 10NL? Let me know Laugh

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Posted 9 years ago
think like in a relative universe man ,, your ranges should be relative to the villian's type and position at the tables
Posted 9 years ago
EP : I would take out A9s-A6s and play all pocket pairs. I also play 87s and 76s but they won't make much difference TBH

MP : Looks fine

CO : Take out the raggy A9o and A8o and add more suited hands such as 54s and gappers down to 75s. You can probably also get away with opening a couple more suited Kx, Qx and Jx

BTN : Same with the SCs and gappers, these are easily profitable opens. I open any Qxs as well. Overall the BTN will be your most fluid opening range depending on who is in the blinds. There should be many opportunities to open any two cards once you have stats built up.

Posted 9 years ago
Thanks alot man, il fix it asap : )
Posted 9 years ago
@Turlock : EP Explain why 87s and 76s instead of A9s-A6s?, why suited broadways instead of A9o and A8o CO?

EP looks good, tight but good, K9s is better than 98s imo, because of domination.

MP: J9s in EP but not MP? J9s-K9s are good raises. You can add KTo and K8s. 87s and 76s are not good imo as well as 22-33, you need a reason on the table to raise them.

CO: More Kxs, 54s+ some suited gapper are also okay, A8o is close.

BU: why 32s but no 96s or 53s-86s?

Posted 9 years ago
Fuak man you have more expirience iguess. il change it again Laugh
Posted 9 years ago
@eroticjesus It's what worked for me. I only added the wheel Axs last year when w34z3l changed around all my opening ranges. A9s-A6s caused too many problems with domination which I don't get with A5s-A2s as much. At the same time I changed from T9s being my bottom SC down to 76s and found they were profitable, and easier to play than I expected.

For the CO, I would open A8o with info, but not as a default. For somebody asking for help with opening ranges at 10NL, I thought it also might be good advice to stear them away from raggy offsuit aces, which can be a bit of a nightmare when playing past the flop.

As for suited broadways, for every stake level I've been a winner at, I've been profitable opening all them, never had a reason to consider not opening them TBH. But will be happy for you to explain why I might.
Posted 9 years ago
Okay cool,

if you play Axs bad oop on Ahigh (too aggressive and sticky) against IP-callers, right you have problems with domination. A9s-A6s are dominated by higher Ax and most of Ax-callrange MP-BU is better than A2s-A9s. I think all Axs are profitable to opens from all positions in 6max games. Most BU-Callranges are flawed, a lot of suited stuff which should fold or 3bet as default is a call for most of Microstakes players. We now dominate a lot of flushdraws and pairs (it is not about getting value by betting, we have better hands to realize equity by checking or check calling and checkraising).

A2s-A5s can get problems against good defenders in the BB. A5s for example makes a straight on 234 and Villain has 67s in his range (if we open the BU 2x he has 12 combos more of 67o).

Suited connectors are often dominated by better Flushdraws and straightdraws.

You are right in some situations suited connecors are highly profitable. If the table is to passive fold often and dont 3bet often, than you can raise them profitable, or fit or fold fish in the blinds. Against good players you'll get trouble because you have to fold against 3bets if you are oop all the time and good callranges crack suited connectors.

To prove the profit you furthermore need huge samplesize. You (turlock) are a hard grinder and I believe that you can prove the profitability of suited connectors in your games.

These hands are borderline, you are right, I am right, but borderline hands shouldn't be default openraises.

A8o CO: ugly against BU-calls, easy against 3bets, good equity against BB-callrange and good stealequity because cardremoval. A8o from CO is also borderline and mabye bad as default but A9o is much better, because combinatorics. There are much more 9x than 8x in BU-callrange but few enough to think about fold A9o.

Suited broadways are pretty obv opens from any position Smile

Posted 9 years ago*

These hands are borderline, you are right, I am right, but borderline hands shouldn't be default openraises.


This raises another question then. Assuming we have a default range from each position, shouldn't we open as wide as we perceive is profitable vs the average player at our stakes? Which by definition will be borderline.

Does it matter if we include hands where we expect to make little to no profit?, because we expect to have benefits such as our opponents perceiving us to be looser and more aggro leading to getting paid off more often. It also makes us harder to play against if we have a wider range than average.
Posted 9 years ago
I'm surprised to hear 17% EP range described as tight. I think thats maybe even a bit loose for NL10 actually. Especially the suited Qx and Jx 2 gappers. QTs and J9s? Seems like a recipe for trouble to me.

CO I think is also quite tight?

I'm not a good player though and I'm looking at ranges again right now after a coaching session.
Posted 9 years ago*
Also does raise size not make a massive difference in these, even in theory/ default work. If you are 2x the BTN that range is way too tight I think?

Posted 9 years ago
you're probobly right @thetallpaul. i've just started learning again so i appriciate any feedback : )
Posted 9 years ago
Okay so i made new ranges when i woke up today:

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(These 4bet ranges are asuming they have atleast 40-50% Fold to 4Bet)
Posted 9 years ago
What site are you playing on? I used to have ranges similar to this but after moving to 888, I tightened up a lot due to all the weak players playing any 2 cards. TAG ABC poker destroys them

These ranges would work better on reg/tight tables I'd imagine
Posted 8 years ago
Nice thread , I've been looking at constructing some new ranges to use a guide line and this helped loads.

I'm new to playing 6max and could do with some pointers on calling / 3bet ranges.

Appreciate any help or pointers given Yes