3 Bet Pots as the Aggressor

Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

Hey all.
In this thread I want to talk about playing 3 bet pots and where to double barrel as bluff and such.
I've been having some issues finding a good guide to this specific part of play.
I'll give an example of a hand below.

GoBoo(SB) $16.30 - VP:27 PFR:23 AF:1.0 W:31|75 STL:58|91 3B:0|0 CB:75|0 N:3.51 Hands:77
Me(BB) $10.15
junior06(UTG) $10 - VP:15 PFR:7 AF:0 W:25|0 STL:11|89 3B:5|100 CB:|67 N:-5 Hands:54
Barbara1(BTN) $11.75 - VP:21 PFR:14 AF:Inf. W:17|100 STL:32|86 3B:5|100 CB:100|33 N:-1.04 Hands:57

Pre Flop: Me(BB) with [8,5]
junior06(UTG) folds,
Barbara1(BTN) folds,
GoBoo(SB) raises 0.25,
Me(BB) raises 0.80,
GoBoo(SB) calls 0.60

Flop: (2,A,Q)(2 players)
Pot - 1.80
GoBoo(SB) checks,
Me(BB) bets 0.90,
GoBoo(SB) calls 0.90

Turn: 7 (2 players)
Turn - 3.60
GoBoo(SB) checks,
Me(BB) bets ?

Ok so in this hand I make the 3bet bluff preflop vs a player which I know is a reg and also can be pretty floaty post-flop in general.
The question is, which spots on which textures can I keep firing?
In this spot here, am I ableto keep firing if I think opponent can be floating with a FD and pair such as KcQc, or do we just not expect enough folds?

Opponents range can also have some Ax in it that flatted the 3bet preflop so where do I start to make the decisions to barrel or to just give up? It feels like in these spots we have to barrel 3 times vs Ax as we rep stronger Aces (such as AK, AQ) vs their possible AT, AJ hands that might flat freflop.

So I get a bit stuck.

Ok in example 2 I'll make it a bit simpler, but not with a 3bet bluff hand.

We are in BB with AQ vs a BTN open and we 3bet his 2.5x open to 9x.
Flop comes down K85. We decide to cbet OOP as we can rep a K nicely. So now opponent calls and the turn comes 6.

Ok so what do we put opponent on? 99, TT?
Are we supposed to be barreling twice here all the time? Also when we do, and the river blanks and the pot is huge. I feel that this spot has just cost us a ton. So maybe someone can point out which cards are best to double barrel etc, or a good guide because I feel that spots like this just get annoying, thanks.


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Posted 8 years ago*
Posted 8 years ago
Probably not on this board as villain has more ax in his range than normal. An observation Grocker: you are obviously trying to improve and posting loads of really great interesting topics so amazing! BUT there is no way you are going to retain all of this. You need to pick one area of your game and work on it at one time. Work on it until it is learnt to an unconscious competence level in the difficult spots then move to another. Right now you are kinda learning a lot which when you play won't be available to you because you need to be constantly thinking about it and in tough spots our minds can't retain the information.

Great to see you working on your game but I would strongly suggest picking two topics and becoming as good as you can in those then move onto another.
Posted 8 years ago*
Hey again Mr. Crazy. Yes I have have definitely found this problem. And lately I have done exactly what you just mentioned, and been talking about it in the staking group with the others, FOCUSING on a certain area. For me at the moment, I just thought of what spots have been occurring quite a bit where I think I'm losing enough that I need to get it right. Specifically it's these 3 bet pots where I'm trying to rep when taking the aggression. So what has been the problem for me? That's what I'm trying to work out. Maybe it's actually to do with the times I'm taking this line vs the wrong player type, the floaty type that will not give up after 2 barrels. I only just got back into playing the none anon games, and I've been taking a whole ton of notes so this will help me target the right players, and just adjust my whole play depending on who is surrounding me.

How have you found it getting through these types of things? Areas that you've had issues with.
The problem is that playing so many hands and going through so many spots... it's never ending and when you're trying to learn... you have to be (as you said) really focusing on a certain spot because I know from my own experience that's it's so easy to overload your brain and in the end you just get even more confused. So the key is to keep things clear. I took a day off playing to focus on some of this, and maybe taking a step back from the tables helps a bit too, for things to sink in.
Posted 8 years ago
Take this spot for example:

Definitely your 3b range and villains likely calling range

Then select 3-5 flop textures and see which ones you get a lot of flop folds on. Those are good to bet our worst/best hands and check mid strength hands. The boards that we get a lot of calls from weaker hands are good to bet quite a lot in to then bet again OTT/OTR as villain will have a weaker range OTT/OTR. Look at when you have nutted hands and villain doesn't and blast those. The boards we don't get loads of folds or where we get enough folds otf but few OTT don't barrel.

You can do this for single raise pots from all positions Smile
Posted 8 years ago
i have complete PIO results, which are GTO, assuming you are using a polarized 3 bet range BB vs SB ( which pretty much everyone does ):
example 1:
Attached Image
i worked with pio and filtered the flushdraws, so as you see in the image our betting range isnt that wide, it consists of AQ+ for value and our flop bluffs are ALL backdoor and frontdoor flushes, so we have to bet any heart heart and club club hand, and KJ as a gutshot as it blocks AK pretty well, nothing big here apart from the takeaway that 2x is bet ALWAYS ( population might be underbluffing here )

Turn 6d :
Attached Image

again i filtered for flushdraws manually, u cant see that on the screen as you have to click the suit buttons.
AQ+ still being bet for value and our club flushdraws as bluffs. now as you see theres a big takeaway, GTO double barrels all 2x pairs as it blocks sets

now lets see what happens on the river , i chose the 6h so the dynamic doesnt change:
Attached Image
looks like all our flushdraws are being trippled along with AQ+ still for value, and 2x will be a giveup

Posted 8 years ago
example 2:
assuming we are using a polarized range ( as of again, evryone does pretty much BB vs BTN ):
GTO uses a 80% c bet and 20% check frequency here, which is max EV, i will simplify our strategy and node lock a 100% c bet strategy with a 1/3 potsize bet, which will lose a slight amount of EV, but noticable ( actually very very small tbh, neglectable ):

Attached Image
so basically we c bet our whole range and continue on turn when called:
Attached Image

as we have no backdoor flush draws getting there, GTO chooses gutshots and straight blockers ( 7x), note that AK is being checked half the time to protect our checking range on turn on that drawy turn card and KQ is always bet

river 2:
Attached Image
as 74 is the nut straight on this runout we will bluff any hand that blocks 7x and reps the nut straight well, KQ+ is still a value shove as BTN doesnt have AK in his range

takeaway here on the 6 runout is that we bluff straight blockers, takeaway for example 1 are the frontdoor flushdraws that are being tripled, if you have any more question feel free to ask


Posted 8 years ago
Hi all PokerVip members! I would like some feed back on a huge hand I played in the tournament Big 4.40 at Pokerstars,
Basic info before reading the hand,
-We where ITM
-Villan sarted with 47,5 BBs (190 000)
-Hero started with 67,5 BBs (270 000)
-Average ATM was 18BBs
-Heros image is aggressive

Blinds/antes is 2k/4k (315 ante)

HEROES hand = Ah6h

It gets folded to Villan in HiJack that opens to 9k
CO flats 9k open
Hero at Buttom 3bets to 25,5k
Villan flats OOP
CO folds

(69k atm in the pot)
Flop: 7s-5c-9c
Villan in HiJack checks
Hero checks back

Turn: 2d (7s-5c-9c-2d)
Villan bets out 30k into 69k
Hero calls 30k

(128 000 atm in the pot) Villan has 135k to the river Hero has 215k
River: 2s (7s-5c-9c-2d-2s)
Here Villan checks

Now my thought process,
Here I decide to shove all in and putting the pressure on him, because the hands I put on him here is AK,AQ, KQc,KJc,QJc (getting flushdraw on turn when he bets)
I don't think that he has a set when he checks on the river with the high possibility of me checking back with also hands like AQ or AK or maybe 88 or 66.
I also don't think that his flatting pre with AA or KK or QQ and plays the river that way

So when he checks and gives up I think that it's a good spot for me with Ah6h to bluff-shove putting him all in for a total 47 BB pot when the average was 18 BB

But it ends with that he calls off all in on river and shows up Jd7d
So he flatted OOP with J7s and called all in on river.

Can I get some thoughts about this hand I played
Posted 8 years ago
Hey Wallezzz, there's a separate part of the forum for posting hands. I know this hand is related in the 3 bet pot question, but it's a tournament setting and specifically different with how deep stacks are. And you'll probably get more answers over there anyway. This thread is asking about playing these spots in general and with 100bb cash game strategy in mind.
Posted 8 years ago
Wow sign me up!
Posted 8 years ago*
OMG fake moniez... I suck at pokerz so this must be just the thing I need!
Posted 8 years ago
Ha ^ spam deleted