Bet victor Blaze false HM2 stats

Posted 8 years ago

I have been playing today blaze on bet victor and I noticed that my cash results graph on HM2 was showing more than id actually won so I looked into it and noticed that when I quick fold from the big blind(or small blind) it is not registering as a $0.02 loss and therefor results of winnings aren't true I'm not sure if it doesn't pick up in any other areas but it has now messed up all my stats

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Posted 8 years ago
Hey @paulrungoodward

Yes unfortunately the hands do not track correctly for the blaze tables over on Microgaming on HEM2. Bit annoying i know Sad
Posted 8 years ago*
You can go back through and delete the HH for the days you played blaze by the way if you want your reg table stats back to correct. I remember doing this when I discovered the same thing a while back. Just trying to remember how, you may know anyway but I will try to find you some info. From what I remember you need to right click the HH by day and click delete, or individual hands on the HEM software itself, not the HH files on your computer.
Posted 8 years ago
My hands are predominantly on blaze so ill start fresh tommorow on reg tables and start my stats from there its a shame I'd logged over 3k hands of blaze on thee too
Posted 8 years ago
You can filter out the blaze hands. If you go to filters it has an option for 4e fast and 10e fast, just uncheck those boxes and it will only show the hands from regular tables.

From what Jon told me you can get the entire hand history from BV at the end of the month. I am going to check that out myself.

I know its a bit wierd. It showed I had won like 300e the other day and my wr was like 200bb/100. Wouldn't that be nice!!!
Posted 8 years ago
Haha yeah if only hey Laugh

Hopefully it will be compatible at some point in the future, would be nice!
Posted 8 years ago
Cheers guys I will try the filters today
Posted 8 years ago
I personally wouldn't stop playing the blaze games. If you are playing the 10nl blaze cannon promo, I think not playing it and going back to reg tables would be a mistake just cause you want to track the hands. Don't get me wrong I don't like not being able to track hands, but I like making money more. Evil grin

Just check out Jon's video series

Posted 8 years ago
Very true @fawltyfelix - The canon is one of the best free money promotions out there in my opinion and with it only being around for a limited time its certainly worth moving away from the reg tables for a bit. Nodding The HUD is not really necessary either I don't think seen as players can change their SNs anyway and its not so useful with blaze.
Posted 8 years ago
I am still playing blaze just not including the results in my graph and noting what I start with and leave with from the blaze tables