That´s Me ;-)

Posted 8 years ago

Hi There,

my name is Thorsten and I play Poker since end of 2013 on Pokerstars. Till beginning of 2016 not very profitable. In January I started to get more skills and let me Coach now from "Nick Wealthall" and his Team. Since January this year I changed my mindset and now I get acceptable Results. My best was 3rd Place in a 5.50 $ The Hot Tournament with a good Bankroll-Boost.

Now I want to start an experiment. I will get the skills to be a Full Time Player till End 2020. I need a little bit support cause I never used Treats or Handforums before.

And here´s how i will do this.

Since January I Play PLO. I beat the PLO2 and the PLO5. At the Moment i play PLO10. NLH I like only for MTT.
Looked tons of videos, analyse my and opponents game with HM2 and also read a lot of books. Also work on my own Game all the Time.

Now I feel good with my game and try to start a Poker Careere. I work only 4 hours a day and 4 days the week. So I have a lot time to Play. Normally I play around 40-50 hours a week (including Videos and Analyse).

I will write my results as much as possible to (I hope) get many support or help (mentally) for my Mission.

Hope you all will enjoy.



Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Wow nice dedication there bud. Good luck on your journey!
Posted 8 years ago

here now my Plan (Mission).

From Friday I begin my Mission called "Way to Pro - From 500$ to 500.000$ till 01.01.2020".

Here now some details:

Beginn Bankroll : 500 $

I Play PLO Cash for Main and sometimes MTT (PLO, NLH) or PLO HU SnG to perhaps get a Bankroll Boost through a good Place in a Tourney.

Plan is to play 40 Hours a week.

BRM: PLO2/PLO5 (50 BI), PLO10/PLO25 (75 BI), From PLO50 (100 BI) Cash
Highest 5% of BR MTT or SnG

I do not need to cash out for living so I can build my bankroll till hopfully end of Mission.

Made this here via Treat because of hoping get some support and for me as "Asskicker" Rolling on the floor laughing so I hope I can handle this (all Ups and Downs) Muscle

I´m Open for all Questions or Tips (special another BRM and how to plan good sessions).

Hope to get some response.

Posted 8 years ago

I have seen some videos from Nick and always wondered what strategy is taught or is it all mental game coaching and how to approach the game?
Posted 8 years ago
Hi John,

Thx for your likes. Wink

I went to Nicks programm cause beginning 2016 I was on a death end with my game. I think there is a ton of Information out there (videos, articles) but they only tell the same. play tight and play aggressiv. So I did but almost never know exactly why? (like the most beginners I think)

Nick changes the way I looked on the Game, so yes he tells how to approach the game.

Now I realised that Poker is all about the situation and reaction or action of your Opponents. Clap

Since January and beginning of Nicks Programm I made a quantum jump in my game. Before Bankroll most of the time around 100 € and playing NL2 or NL5 with break even game. Then went from PLO2 to PLO5 to PLO10. In April I made 3rd on "The Hot 5.50$ NLH". Now I can beat PLO10 with a very good 12 BB/100. And that all because of the decision to get coaching.

Do you have any tips how I can get more followers for my Mission? Talking
Posted 8 years ago
Here is now a second Part of the Mission "from 500$ till 500.000$" (I think it must be now from 650 Smile )

Made a second Bankroll of 150€ cause till now I almost always played on Pokerstars and I want to get a boost trough Bonusdollar.

Yesterday I opened an Account on Betfair, desposited 150€ and try to get the 300€ Bonus now.

Today I didn´t played but here the results from yesterday.


Only played one simple PLO4 6-max Table only to set all setting for the new side.

1 1/2 hours ----- 108 Hands ------ +11,22€

Nice Beginning Smile


First Bankroll 500$ (Pokerstars)
Second Bankroll 161,22 € (several Pokersides - at the Moment Betfair)


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Posted 8 years ago
KreativJoker: Hi John,

Thx for your likes. Wink

I went to Nicks programm cause beginning 2016 I was on a death end with my game. I think there is a ton of Information out there (videos, articles) but they only tell the same. play tight and play aggressiv. So I did but almost never know exactly why? (like the most beginners I think)

Nick changes the way I looked on the Game, so yes he tells how to approach the game.

Now I realised that Poker is all about the situation and reaction or action of your Opponents. Clap

Since January and beginning of Nicks Programm I made a quantum jump in my game. Before Bankroll most of the time around 100 € and playing NL2 or NL5 with break even game. Then went from PLO2 to PLO5 to PLO10. In April I made 3rd on "The Hot 5.50$ NLH". Now I can beat PLO10 with a very good 12 BB/100. And that all because of the decision to get coaching.

Do you have any tips how I can get more followers for my Mission? (talk)

That's really cool and glad it worked out for you. Just keep posting buddy and more people will see it Smile

I will also advertise it on Facebook!

Keep up the good work
Posted 8 years ago
Nice thread! Love to see more player get involved in PLO! Post hands and thoughts and I'm sure many of our PLO players will help you! GL!
Posted 8 years ago
Hi Guys,

Thx for all the nice support (thx Jon, thx Prostaker, thx dissajf). Hi

Today I´m geting Ill (cold) Shake so I´m not really felt myself to play. But I played some hands anyway. Giggle

Here now result for this


Only played 2 Tables PLO4 6-Max (because of Ill)

1/2 hour ----- 55 hands ----- +10,21 €

Nice second short shot Laugh (Find this new side is absolute Fishy)


First Bankroll 500$ (Pokerstars)
Second Bankroll 171,43 € (several Pokersides - at the Moment Betfair)


Attached Image

Don´t missunderstanding Graph shows winnings in $, but Account winnings I gave here are in €. Nerdy (don´t know how I can change it)

Posted 8 years ago
KreativJoker: (don´t know how I can change it)

Pretty sure on the options tab in the bottom left of your graph. there is a tick box for currency.
Posted 8 years ago
Hi Guys,

thx fawltyfelix. It worked. Now I can show graphs also in €. Wink

Yesterday (friday) I was bedbound cause I have a cold at the moment so I didn´t played . Sad

Today I feel a little bit better so I played some hands.

But because of traffic on betfair on PLO Tables I could not play like normally (normally I play between 6 and 12 tables)

Here now today stats (without a PLO 6-max MTT in the evening which I use a ticket for free)


Played 4 Tables PLO4 6-Max

4 hours ------ 803 Hands -------- - 2,62 €

Loose day but that happens. Thinking Still Up 18,81 €


First Bankroll 500$ (Pokerstars)
Second Bankroll 168,81 € (several Pokersides - at the Moment Betfair)


Attached Image

Tomorrow I will get some bonus$ and also some VPP Rakeback (but more tomorrow) Cheeky
Posted 8 years ago
I have a short question. Perhaps someone can help me. In today session there are many loose players. That´s the reason why redline from today stat goes down. The problem was, there was almost never a chance to Isolate some weak Players because of such loose Players today. they called every raise Preflop and so I played a ton of Multiway Pots today.

Is it better in such sessions (if 4 Opponents have VPIP more than 80) go back to tighter game or should I also play more loose and only call before flop with any playable hand (also the Top Range) and outplay them Postflop? Cause also If I had a Top Hand (like KQJT ds) I only played MultiPots with at least 4 Players (I know they are also well played in Multiway). Is It better to call also such hands to get a better Pot-Stack Ratio (cause with reraise and 4 callers it only blows the pot) ?

Thx for thoughts. Happy
Posted 8 years ago
Hi Guys.

Played today again some hands on PLO4 but sorry, this side on PLO4 is gambling on the highest Level.

There is me (26/19/5) and 5 other opponents (all with 85/10/0) so you can not play any rational hand.

Today I have played till now 226 hands with a lost of - 6,31 €.

Change my taktic now. Take 400 $ from my Pokerstars Account and buy in to Betfair. There is still the 300€ bonus to get and I looked at the PLO10 and PLO 20 Tables there and on the higher Levels there is almost normal Play.

So I will play there now PLO10 to get my Bonus cleared asap.

Noone replyed on my Post from yesterday so I have no tips and change it by myself now. Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Sounds like a solid plan and at the micros especially for PLO you have to bonus whore as hard as you can and lets face it Stars don't reward players.
Posted 8 years ago
Hi Guys.

I decided to post now not every day .... I will do this in Future once a week.

Try at the moment to clear my Bonus on Betfair. But my normal Plan gets failed. Normally I only play PLO Cash but on Betfair it´s almost impossible to clear the bonus on this way because of so low traffic for PLO Tables.

So I looked over the week some other formats. Played some PLO HU Cash and PLO HU SnG. But also traffic not so good that I can concentrate on PLO at Betfair. With all the testing and no high samplesize and also heavy variance at PLO I could only play break even over the whole time since Beginn of the Blog.

So I switched to the second favorite format: 6+ NLH.

But here beginning the Problem. I use HM2 and they don´t support NLH 6+ Tables.

So I only can write my Bankrolls now and not showing with graphs.

Read that Pokertracker supports also this format of NLH. Can someone confirm me that is right?Smile

So my mission still to clear Bonus at Betfair and after I cleared the bonus I will buy myself Pokertracker to get also stats of my game and to better analyse.

Ok: Here my Bankrolls : Pokerstars still 100 $
Betfair 489 € (because of testing and without any VPP Buyout and Bonus - Will VPP make to € at the end of the month -
till now almost 15 € in VPP). Clap

So hope you enjoy reading and help me with my question about Pokertracker.

Posted 8 years ago
Here the last graph I can show with all testings (PLO4/PLO10/PLO20/PLO4 HU/PLO10 HU)

Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
Looks pretty typical for a PLO grind! Few swings but nice to see a break even sample wpwp