New Video Series

Posted 8 years ago

Hey guys,

I am planning on starting a new video series in the near future with a bit of a different spin compared to my previous vids. Rather than focus on a live play session where I am capped at the situations that arise, I will do a series of hand review sessions, all with a particular emphasis on a specific area.

I'm going to need to start tagging hands to include in these so I am looking for suggestions on topics you guys would be interested in - This series will be focused on micro limits so throw out any areas you feel you struggle with!

Some examples:

1) Three betting from the blinds
2) Defending vs three bets
3) Overbetting
4) Maximising value with monster hands

etc. etc.

So I ask you all, come at me with ideas of anything you feel would be something you would like to see!



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Posted 8 years ago
One of the biggest issues I had to making money at the micros was bet sizing. Would be nice to do a video on bet sizings and what you make it what you do based on whatever factors.
Posted 8 years ago
Cool, I'll add it to the list! Thanks @Harvie
Posted 8 years ago
How about good check/raise spots when in the blinds?
Posted 8 years ago
Hands where you're the pre-flop aggressor, and an EP player donks really small on the flop, small on the turn and then big on the river
Posted 8 years ago
Ah, how to handle over aggro Russian en Siberian players
Posted 8 years ago
@Barrabod Sure I can potentially look at that.

@AshVIP This might be a little too specific and honestly I don't have a huge amount to say on the topic, I can run a few filters and see if anything worthwhile comes of it though and if so I could potentially look at an episode.

@Giorgio I won't discriminate against nationalities but I can for sure look at spots where we have identified players as overly aggressive and the kinds of adjustments we should be making against them!

Thanks for all the suggestions guys.
Posted 8 years ago
I don't really think that is discrimination. I think it is general style from people of those countries to be (over) aggressive and it would be nice to see how to handle that.