Hey, I'm looking to take money off N8 and would also like to avoid the neteller dollar-euro fx fees if possible. Facebook support said they don't have a way of doing this. I could take neteller, stars($ or euro), or bank transfers. Steven
Hi, I want to get around $200 out from Natural8, but have no deposit or withdrawal option at the site. I also dont have a facebook account. Is someone able to help ? Greetings, Michael
Hello all, i have 27$ on PayPal, which i would like to get rid of for either Skrill, Neteller, Party Poker or Poker Stars. If you prefer one of the mentioned pick it yourself, if not, i would go for Neteller Ofc, i send first
I Want $8 on Neteller, sending back $8.50 on stars. I Would like finish the Challange but my Neteller balance is $2 and can't deposit money today cause no bank. PM me, thx
I Want $8 on Neteller, sending back $8.50 on stars. I Would like finish the Challange but my Neteller balance is $2 and can't deposit money today cause no bank. PM me, thx
I still need this, I send $8,75 back on stars instantly. This is not a scam for $8, if want connect me on FB before.thx
Just on ACR and didn't know a creditcard is required to deposit! I have paypal, and would like to deposit 450 euro. (so p2p to me on ACR) But when I do this, will I still receive the 'first deposit' bonus? I mean the cash in tickets value..
Just on ACR and didn't know a creditcard is required to deposit! I have paypal, and would like to deposit 450 euro. (so p2p to me on ACR) But when I do this, will I still receive the 'first deposit' bonus? I mean the cash in tickets value..
Hi Danilo,
You will not receive a first deposit bonus if you transfer money through P2P.
hey guys, i got 54$ on PayPal that i would like to trade in exchange for 50$ on Neteller, Skrill, Party Poker, Poker Stars, or even 888, you name it Ofc i'm sending first, let me know if you are up for deal