Do you implement a stop loss?

Posted 8 years ago

So as most of you know our staking team has a 5 buy in stop loss and we have this for various reasons

- Stop people tilting money off
- Keep losses to a minimum over a month
- Teach the players BRM

Those are the main 3 points. Most seem to be fine with this however I do from time to time get someone quitting the team due to it or tilting to me on chat. You know they hit the stop loss but the games are amazing, they are playing great and don't want to stop. This may be true but 90% of the time I would say this just proves tilt and shows to me this is exactly why we implement it.

So do staked players like this generally?

Then do players outside of staking use this?

Also how often do you find you lose more than 5bi in a session?

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Posted 8 years ago
I have a stoploss as part of the staking team of 3BI, but then as we all know, I'm a nit init. I also have a stopwin of 45BI but haven't yet found the need to implement it.

In a more serious vein, my main positive about having a stoploss is discipline. I used to not have either discipline or stoploss because I was 'too good for these guys and I'm playing well, making great decisions, blah blah blah and they can't stay lucky all day ...,' 'nuff said about that idea methinks.
I often sit out before I hit the -3BI, say > -2.x as my coach will verify, becasue if I get stacked again I'll be over my limit adn that feels like I couldn't stay disciplined enough to sit out when I knew I should.

There are other reasons I started incorporating stoploss limits; one being I couldn't replace a lost bankroll and two I needed to be winning to pay bills. So, I had to win X£ each month to keep my head above water, yes, even at nl4. That being said, my discipline and patience improved dramatically and I became very much tilt-free in the classical sense of losing too much in a session through spewy play.

I am well aware my stuation is diffeent to a lot of others who may not even need a stoploss and can lose 10BI in a session and either not blink or just deposit and carry on. I am not in a position affluent enough to be able to do that, hence my BR nittiness. Out of respect for my staker and coch, I try to stick to this strategy and I manage to do so most times.

tl;dr Yes, both in and if/when I leave, out of staking as well. As stoploss to me is both BR management and tilt control. I think discipline, especially at micros, is a huge weapon alongside patience, but bankroll management should be the first thing we learn, not whether to 4bet bluff the nit SB v utg.

My opinion may of course not be matched by other people's who will no doubt be viewing it from different circumstances.

Maybe one day I'll learn to write proper-like to.

Posted 8 years ago
I definitely stick to this. It's very tough to quick as I'd love to chase my losses. Fortunately, a -5 BI session doesn't come around often

I find I get most tilted when I lose 3+ buy ins in quick succession or at the start of a session!
Posted 8 years ago
I do this but I dont have any set rules, I some times quit after losing a buyin or two right at the get go when I feel that Im in a rush to win it back. Some other time it's fine to lose 5 buyins because I feel that I still play well.. I just go by feel. Having said that I really feel that it is important to have some kind of warning mechanism, written down on paper as a stop loss or the guts to just quit when you need to or you dont play well. If you have tilt issues or staking someone, then I agree that a stop loss is necessary.
Posted 8 years ago
If I implemented a 5 BI stop loss at PLO, half my sessions would be over in under 30 minutes Wink
Posted 8 years ago
@redrooski24 Hahahaha, I hadn't thought of that, nice one! Yes

Do you PLO players use a stoploss?
Posted 8 years ago
redrooski24: If I implemented a 5 BI stop loss at PLO, half my sessions would be over in under 30 minutes ;)

What are average PLO swings? Is a -20bi day a normal thing?
Posted 8 years ago
Pwll: @redrooski24 Hahahaha, I hadn't thought of that, nice one! Yes

Do you PLO players use a stoploss?

All the mid/high stakes guys I know personally don't have one, but I feel we are all self aware enough to know when to call it quits if we get off our game due to a big downer.
Posted 8 years ago
redrooski24: If I implemented a 5 BI stop loss at PLO, half my sessions would be over in under 30 minutes ;)

What are average PLO swings? Is a -20bi day a normal thing?

I was mostly joking with my post...sort of. They're definitely not a normal thing but you'll have a few -20bi days over the year even if you're winning 5bb/100 or more. But there's also the big 20bi upswing days that make you feel like god.
Posted 8 years ago
So what is correct BRM for PLO if those swings happen? 300+ buy ins?
Posted 8 years ago
I think 300 is too conservative, but anything under 100 and you're adding some serious extra psychological pressure on yourself. FWIW my current bankroll is ~200BI.
Posted 8 years ago
redrooski24: I think 300 is too conservative, but anything under 100 and you're adding some serious extra psychological pressure on yourself. FWIW my current bankroll is ~200BI.

Do you think this is the reason why many people don't stay in the PLO games for long enough? a 25nl player comes over with 40 buy ins and within a day or 2 half his br could be gone and it basically just scares the shit out of them?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Do you think this is the reason why many people don't stay in the PLO games for long enough? a 25nl player comes over with 40 buy ins and within a day or 2 half his br could be gone and it basically just scares the shit out of them?

Definitely. It also works both ways - someone starts playing PLO and catches the right side of a heater and runs it up in no time, thinks PLO is the easiest game in the world, moves up too fast, and then POOF.
Posted 8 years ago
I think PLO players must be effing crazy. I was waiting for a NLHE table at my casino, was watching the PLO action. It's 1/2, but uncapped BI, routine to see 10K stacks in a 1/2 game. Sample: Bunch of limps, BTN pots to 30, one of the limpers makes it 100, another limper goes to 205, 2 calls, the first backraiser goes to 1000, the 2nd backraiser calls, others fold. There was 2500 in the middle preflop in a 1/2 game!

I'll stick to nitting it up and beating on tourists in HE.
Posted 8 years ago
I don't stop loss... Frustration is my stopping point. Usually involving reducing tables first before a total break from the session. Honestly, I don't always make my stop in time.

That said I understand why from a backer's perspective to use it. You have to protect the money and the player-better to make sure their not playing from behind...

One problem I imagine is that if a player loses a couple of stacks early this might effect their play going forward. Add to this a number of hands per month and it might just add a little incremental pressure as well. You might consider encouraging a tighter overall style from your stakees and reduce some of the variance that occurs with a looser style of play...

There is some good content on here some and some really excellent video reviews but I see a lot of players being critiqued to know their ranges a lot of this equating to you should be opening K5s on the button if you're willing to open Q9s in the CU. I realize this makes sense and I'm not arguing the opposite, however even with position there are also a lot of reasons in specific situations you shouldn't be playing K5s ( I know-I know, sacrilege.)

In short I would encourage tighter ranges/ lower variance. It may not be as profitable but it may be a bit safer and allow your stakees a little more room. Also its easier to get in more volume (more tables) with a tighter style.

Specifically focus on tighter opens IP and tighter defends from the blinds. A broader hand range requires savvy

Make sure a player has that savvy before pushing hands per month targets...

Just my 2 cents-;)
Posted 8 years ago
You mention a very good point about if someone loses a couple of bi it may stop them performing at their best - i totally agree with this and there is just no way around it apart from for me to constantly tell them to not think about it and play the right way! I know it must be annoying to lose a few stacks early and be busted for the day but they could come to me and ask to play in a tourni or something and I might allow it.

Also i think busting early isnt all that bad - we have a site/forum full of epic strategy content and people who talk poker - I know if i bust early i would put my time and efforts into improving away from the tables.
Posted 8 years ago
I think it matters little what style of play we use, stoploss becomes a natural and habitual part of the game when implemented consistently and after a while, you just do it and as @Jon-PokerVIP says, there are plenty of good articles and videos on here to improve from away from the tables. I found experimenting at the tables rather than away from them very expensive when I started with the team and that's a fact, stoploss was the norm for quite some time.
We all know it's frustrating to have to sit out after 10 or 20 minutes when we were so hyped about the coming day's play but hey, get used to it, it'll happen again very soon!

I've metioned this elsewhere but in my opinion some of the important lessons we learn aren't about what ranges to play, whether to play TAG/LAG/NIT, whether we should have a 25% defend range against a 15% 3bettor with 60% bluffs and 40% value or whatever other super duper new fashionble thing is out there to get us to think we play like Phil Galfond, it's the very basics.

#1 Bankroll management is key to success most times, unless we run like Usain of course, which happens rarely and doesn't often last. Learn about bankroll management and how it affects your mindset and your game. If youhave no bankroll management it's hard to impose stoploss on yourself. nor required for everybody I know, some can just go for it and redeposit or give it up, but for most of us I think it's a requirement of the job; another tool in the box of being professional about the game is all.
Problem is, it isn't 'playing poka' is it, it's theory and boring ye? Oh you think so...

Which brings me to my second point,
#2 Variance: we should all learn about variance, because let's face it, the 'wrong end' of variance is what tilts us a most of the time at the table don't you think? Well think on this, try winning without variance and see how you get on. Stoploss can help here to save some of our precious bankroll to. How many posts have we read that stated, 'Well I was running so bad on X poker site, I sat out and moved to Y poker site to see if that would change my luck.

'nuff said about that one methinks. Learn variance, use a stoploss.

Further, tilt issues - and hence forced stoploss implementation through poor decisions and fast dwindling resources(!) - may well be invoked prior to even logging in to your favourite poker site, so rather than learn about stoploss because of tilt, learn why you tilt in the first place and work on that.

Remember, you can implement a stoploss and get away from tilting at the table, but if you rn well soon after it all goes out the window and life is fun, the game is good and fish are... dammit that's the third time that ish has suckout out in 10 minutes, I'm going to get him soon; tighten up and ...unless you understand the why of tilt, it will only return the next time something untoward happens.

I know I waffled on abit yet again about tilt rather than stoploss, but they fall into the same field in my opinion at least.

More shutting up required, sorry...

Posted 8 years ago
I use stoploss on 4bi , but mostly for psychological porpuses , I just play worse when i'm losing :/ I'm trying to work on that but its very hard . Usualy i go off do something else for 30min or an hour to refresh my mind .