Playing Poker With Leonardo DiCaprio

Posted 8 years ago

Yo guyssss

So I thought I would just write about the time I played at the same table as Di Caprio as I think it is a pretty cool story. Sadly back then I had a Nokia with a very average camera so although I did get pictures they are now long gone so #coolstorybro

Anyways It was 6 years ago and I was in Vegas by myself for a month. I used to go every October just to grind cash whilst some events were on. I just liked getting away, grinding and not having distractions. I would play in a few place but 90% of my grind was in the Venetian.

The Venetian to me has the comfiest chairs, incredible service and most of all back then the games were insanely good. They run deep stack events that time of year so many tourni fish were about and it would also drive some retired folks to play in the cash games.

The game was 85% 5/10 and 15% 10/20 but would often have straddles which would pick the game up. Sit downs had no cap. I would buy in anywhere from $5-12k depending on who was at the table. Quite often people would sit down with $50k so trust me this was as juicy as it gets!

So anyways I am sat in seat 7 playing 5/10 on I believe a Saturday evening at around 11pm and this guy in an LA baseball cap sits down. I didn't really take any notice at first until a member of staff was stood over him kinda nervous looking and just pandering to his every need. A guy I was friendly with in seat 3 looked at me and kinda nodded his head in the direction of LEO and mimed "It's LEO". Anyways I soon realise it is god damn Di Cap and he has flown in direct from some LA basetball game.

He sits down with like $4k and has this incredible 6ft odd blonde super model with him and then some random guy and another hot girl. The member of staff bails after spilling Leo's chips due to nervously shaking as does his mate and girls.

He then proceeds to play 0 hands in the next hour and I am just sat there thinking this has to be the best spot of my life and this guy turns out to be a nit! Anyways once thing I will say is his appearance was not great....he looked ill and had pretty bad super dry and just scabby looking tbh. His hair was long under his cap and yeh he just looked scruffy.

Another 20 minutes pass and he then starts to speak with me and my mate in seat 3 just about where he has been, poker and general chit chat. He then says "I am bored of this why don't we play higher". I think before he finished his sentence I had my chips racked and asking the poker room manager to open a new table. Leo asked for it to be 10/20.

4 of us sit down and I think there is around $70k on the table....20 mins later Leo says he is bored and leaves.....what a waste of a night. No interesting hands to mention at all and overall a bit of a failed meeting.

But pretty cool that I played poker and spoke to the one and only Leonardo Dicaprio Smile


Not my picture of him but this is pretty much exactly how he looked:

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Posted 8 years ago
lol You'd think if he was so bored he would play a hand? Its not like he is short of a few pennies and what was he bored of? Waiting for aces? Cheeky Strange....
Posted 8 years ago
CrazyKeri: lol You'd think if he was so bored he would play a hand? Its not like he is short of a few pennies and what was he bored of? Waiting for aces? Cheeky Strange....

If I had to call it I would say he was on something and someone at the table mentioned something about him when he left which made a lot of sense.
Posted 8 years ago
He was probably speechless because he met you.
Posted 8 years ago
Very strange and interesting story. I think it's hard to relate to those larger than life Hollywood figures because our celebrity culture is so insane and it puts tremendous amounts of mental pressure on people like Leo. Maybe it was drugs that made him behave that way, maybe a simple mood swing or maybe he didn't really want to be there. I don't know how big of a fan you were/are @Jon-PokerVIP, but with the above experience in mind what you say that the quote 'never meet your heroes' has some merit to it?
Posted 8 years ago
I've never played with Leo but I've played with some other Hollywood names on the tables in Vegas, some of Leo's mates actually, and I've found them on the whole to be friendly and pretty talkative and open for photos/autographs etc I guess they're just used to going anywhere in public