Stars is dead, which room to play on?

Posted 7 years ago

Hello guys ! Tonight I finally reach the platinum status on Stars after grinding crazy the whole month, I planned to keep this status for the rest of the year and get a decent rakeback... However, I was disgused tonight to discover that they will change their VIP programm to replace it with a shitty one. My english is not good enough to explain precisely what it will look like but basically, regs playing a big volume will be highly penalized, we are talking about a 85% rakeback decrease !!! (even though the information is not official yet)
So guys I wanted to have your opinion on which is the best room to play on for multitablers ? I checked a couple of rooms such as 888 or party, tho the traffic is disappointing. I am afraid there is no other rooms than PS...

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Posted 7 years ago
Hi mate,

Platinum status, sick!

What games are you playing, cash? Sit n go's? tournaments?

You are right about a lot less traffic on other sites but it will always be like that unless someone really puts a challenge to pokerstars. Party are the ones leading the way but they still have a lot of catching up to do.

A good option is to grind on a couple of sites at once, so you still have the same or similar volume but get much more back in rakeback and other benefits.

What country are you in? I'm confident that I can find you the perfect solution.
Posted 7 years ago
Hey Ash !

I am playing only cash mostly NL10 or NL25. Well, Party might leading the way but come on, there was 4 FR NL10 tables running yesterday evening... Grinding on a few sites at once might be an option, however I will never be able to play the same volume. The PS soft is almost perfect, I am especially talking about hotkeys that make you act way quicker ! I am really disappointed about the way PS chose to take, giving up on their clients that made them as big as they are and making their soft a casino platform, not promoting poker anymore...

I am in Switzerland, if you have any idea Ash let me know Wink
Posted 7 years ago
It looks like you play full ring. I think that will be the challenge. I don't think there is a lot of full ring action on other poker skins. I am on MPN and just looked right now at 10nl and 20nl and there are no full ring tables running. There are 2 tables up with 1 guy sitting and waiting. There are times when there is some full ring going and I think the player pool that plays them is pretty soft, but I think you would have to grind across multiple sites to get enough tables of full ring.

As for the hot key situation. There are 3rd party programs across most platforms that do that for you. MPN and iPoker have something called MPN Tools and iPoker Tools. I have MPN Tools and I have hot key for folding and then all my number keys are all the different bet sizes, I have varying degrees of pot size raises. It is also set up so that is automatically puts in my open raise sizes and 3bet sizes for preflop. So I don't even have to click any buttons to open raise, just click the bet button. It just knows that UTG, MP and SB I open to 3x CO I do 2.5x and BU 2x. Party Poker has Party Caption and 888 has 888 Caption as well as Pokerstars having Stars Helper. So I wouldn't worry to much about that part if it. None of them cost very much money and I am pretty sure all of them have free 15 or 30 day trials.

If you are full ring you could always just switch to 6max Smile