Posted 8 years ago
Guess who's back? 😎 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 😎
Posted 8 years ago
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Posted 8 years ago
i dunno if i'm a nerd or what but i seriously laughed out loud for a good three minutes at 'lolequitywtf'
Posted 8 years ago
Funny if you've seen some Joeingram1 podcasts.

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Posted 8 years ago
this has to be up there...

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Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: Funny if you've seen some Joeingram1 podcasts.

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I never understood that nickname haha Can you explain?
Posted 8 years ago
Cookie Monster: Attached Image

Love it!
Posted 8 years ago
I need an explanation for this one...?

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Posted 8 years ago
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Posted 8 years ago
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Posted 8 years ago
Ibangedyomoma, but MilfGrinder is a gr8 nick imo
Posted 8 years ago
Russian named Iskander Laugh (he said Iskander+poker= iskandeker) looool

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Those who don't know what Iskander is: Can nuke most of Europe from Kaliningrad
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Posted 8 years ago
I'm easily amused

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Posted 8 years ago
Didn't get chance to screen shot as I was not at my own PC.

But there was a good name I saw, a player simply called 'piss'.
Posted 8 years ago
On party there's a player called "callorfoldffs"
Posted 8 years ago
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Posted 8 years ago
Any relation?

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Posted 8 years ago
@killjoy1987 no, some fake ass wannabe.

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Posted 8 years ago
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Who did this?
Posted 8 years ago
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