Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Suits season 4 now on Netflix and it is epicccccccc

Ah man one of my absolute favourite shows. Think I've seen 4 so waiting for 5.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh pretty much just about to finish 4 after like 3 days of watching it lol
Posted 8 years ago
Has anyone been watching Lookalikes on channel 4? Its filmed in my home town which probably makes it a bit more interesting for me, but its actually really funny too. These lookalikes are well known around here and when I first saw this advertised I thought it was going to be terrible, just a regular documentary type thing, but its done in a scripted "reality"/comedy style a bit like the office, worth a watch if you like this kind of thing.

Posted 8 years ago
I saw the pilot of that some time ago, maybe worth a watch
Posted 8 years ago
Going back to The Walking Dead debacle... I'm not sure what to think. On the one hand, a clear decision would make the Negan moment more powerful on the other viewers would have months and months to deal with the death of their favorite character. I'm willing to give the showrunners the benefit of the doubt as long as they kill off someone important (Abraham at the very least though Daryll or Glenn would be better).
Posted 8 years ago
Not a chance it will be Daryll and Glenn don't forget is invincible. It's not Carl or Rick. It'll be one of the "background" characters and we've been fobbed off again
Posted 8 years ago
You might be right sir. Hope that's not the case. In the meantime, I'm watching Fear the Walking dead which seems like a superior show to me as far as rotting corpses go.
Posted 8 years ago
Not seen any of Fear the Walking Dead yet. Don't have the channel it's on and not great on getting things online to watch stuff! Are there any websites you can watch it on?
Posted 8 years ago
Loving this show. Finished season 2 last night.

Haven't caught up on Walking Dead yet so that's next. I've tried to avoid spoilers but just caught a glimpse above. I looked away pretty quick so I'm not totally sure who gets the chop, but I have an idea.
Posted 8 years ago
While the second season of Arrow was arguably the best I think they ultimately failed the Deathstroke character. It's kinda easy to forgive and forget though since that was the first live-action adaptation of the character worth a damn. When it comes to the show as a whole I dropped it after season 3. I can't help but feel like every CW style show ultimately talks down to me (ridiculously attractive cast, shoehorned romances as a necessity for every show etc.) and I don't like that.
Posted 8 years ago

Is fear the walking dead as good as the walking dead?
Posted 8 years ago
Really hard to say. Some people don't like it, but in my personal opinion I think Fear the Walking dead is at least on par if not better.
Posted 8 years ago
Peaky blinders is coming back this week! Sooooooo pumped for this.
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Peaky blinders is coming back this week! Sooooooo pumped for this.
I watched season 1 and really liked it. Need to catch up...
Posted 8 years ago

This show feels and looks dirty. I'm not sure how I feel about it after the pilot, but there's definitely a lot of potential.
Posted 8 years ago
Banshee Season 4 has started, anyone watching?
Posted 8 years ago
I don't know with the Walking Dead, I don't think it will be Daryl. I thought it could possibly be Glenn but now I think it will be Abraham or the guy who me and my mates only refer to as the guy in the blue coat, always forget his name lol, or possibly Eugene...
Posted 8 years ago
Banshee season 4 is actually over (only 8 episodes this season). I loved the series overall. The last season felt like a somewhat disconnected story that could be part of an anthology.. until the season finale hit us with some major payoffs. Banshee is very likely the most underrated show on TV in recent years and even though, it managed to find some success (especially by Cinemax standards since they aren't really known for their original programming) I really wish it got more popular.
Posted 8 years ago
It has only just started here in th UK, I am only 1 episode in, although there have been 2 aired
Posted 8 years ago
Finished this recently, and loved it. Better than season 1. Look forward to season 3!

Currently watching Vikings season 3.