US Election

Posted 7 years ago

So who will be glued to the TV today/tomorrow morning? Depending on where you are... Think I'm going to have to stay up till the early hours to watch it. Either way its going to be a pretty big day in US history.

If I were there I'd be voting for Clinton personally. Would be amazing to see a female President! And with a female UK Prime minister too! Go on ladies!

Thoughts everyone? And please please lets keep this thread peaceful and friendly Nodding

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Posted 7 years ago
" ... And please please lets keep this thread peaceful and friendly." Like the main protagonists you mean? Giggle

I'd rather vote for someone like that Gowdy bloke, but he's much too clever to be president I suspect.

Choice, Clinton. Thank goodness I don't have to make a choice is my real opinion.
Posted 7 years ago
Whatever keeps the USD high, so I think that's a Hillary win. But in all honestly, both are terrible choices - what is the world coming to?
Posted 7 years ago
If I was a US citizen I couldn't in good conscience vote for neither Trump nor Hillary. I'd pick kinda goofy but mostly reasonable Gary Johnson over them every day of the week and twice on Tuesday. While he's not exactly a perfect presidential material he's not a megalomaniac nor a pathological liar and I feel like the other two options are exactly that. Lastly, he's not an evil person and I'm not sure if I could say that about any of the main candidates.

Since I'm not US citizen my view on the matter is very similar to what @Harvie said, plus a sliver of hope that this farce called US Presidential Election 2016 will be enough to show people that current political system is in for some major improvements.
Posted 7 years ago
Politics? Or prime time TV show?

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Posted 7 years ago
The whole of the Western World is becoming a reality show.
Posted 7 years ago
Certainly is.....

A reporter asked a woman at one of the Trump rallies what would happen if Clinton wins and she replied "We will all storm the White House.... Armed."

Yeah good luck with that!

Think the results will be a close one? It is looking more and more in favour of Clinton from what I have seen.
Posted 7 years ago
Trump to win for shits and giggles
Posted 7 years ago
A reporter asked a woman at one of the Trump rallies what would happen if Clinton wins and she replied "We will all storm the White House.... Armed."

Yeah good luck with that!

I was watching Sky News this morning, there is some real scary bitches over there.

Fortunately for me I won the lottery Laugh

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Posted 7 years ago

Posted 7 years ago*
lol crazy hey?

The more I listen to it all, the more I am wondering if this could possibly turn out to not be as bad as I thought. Like they are comparing what happened to Brexit, as in it is the people fighting back against the establishment etc. I kind of found that hard to get on board with at first because well Trump is a multi billionaire businessman and a lot of these types are part of the problem in my eyes, but I can kind of see where they are coming from in a way now and why Clinton was such a bad candidate.

One thing that I couldn't understand was why Putin was on board with him. I have listened to quite a few of his speeches where he spoke out against America etc and I agreed with a lot of what he had said, so for him to be in favour of Trump also, kind of making me wonder maybe there is something in that....

I mean lets face it Trump is not the kind of person really who should be in the position of President really, a lot of the stuff he has said is just wrong, we all know that, but who knows.... maybe he will do well. Either that or the whole world is about to go to shit....
Posted 7 years ago
... too late young lady, too late. Speechless
Posted 7 years ago
Lol don't worry I am not flying the Trump flag, just keeping an open mind....

Funny thing. I read earlier that in an episode of the Simpsons aired in 2000, they made Trump president. And the idea behind that episodes storyline was that America has gone insane and to quote "Trump was the most absurd placeholder joke name that we could think of". Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
CrazyKeri: I mean lets face it Trump is not the kind of person really who should be in the position of President really, a lot of the stuff he has said is just wrong, we all know that, but who knows.... maybe he will do well. Either that or the whole world is about to go to shit....

I will be amazed if he does a fraction of what he said he was going to do on the campaign trail, that was all pantomime, to get that section of idiots - who believe he is going to build a fucking wall - out an voting. You see how totally fucking different he was when giving his victory speech compared to when he was campaigning, there'll be no special prosecutor for Hillary, She'll just be allowed to fade away, so he can get on with making a America great again Laugh . Pretty crazy though how he controls everything now, so does that mean he can do pretty much what the fuck he likes now?.
Posted 7 years ago
He absolutely crushed it LaughLaugh BINK!!

FTR I was completely impartial (tho generally have hated the Republicans), but glad he won.

Like the Brexit vote, I don't think it's all about "dose immigrunts", it's about wanting something different than the same old same old, establishment Government. As I've said on here, I was so on the fence about Brexit but ultimately voted Leave to get rid of Dodgy Dave. But the remain camp are STILL crying their little hearts out over losing and they need to get over it!! The country spoken in a majority, as they have done in the States, there's no point in these protests etc going on, what is it going to achieve? Maybe wait until he has actually done something you disagree with before protesting??
Posted 7 years ago
Who knew......
Posted 7 years ago*
I think the reason he got in was a mix of 1) Hilary was not a great candidate 2) a lot of Americans do not believe a woman should be in such a position (not my words) 3) he really went all out on the campaigns, millions and millions and managed to brain wash a lot of people.

Of course he won't do half the stuff he said, they never do do they? I hope he doesn't too. I would be gobsmacked if he actually built that wall. That's what I meant about i don't think it will be THAT bad, given how he changed his tune after as you said. Not sure what his following will think when he doesn't follow through though, they seem like an angry bunch Laugh

If Obama was allowed to be in the running we wouldn't be having this conversation. Such a stupid thing that he can't. You'd think if you have a good leader it would make sense to keep them?! Hmm
Posted 7 years ago
It would have been scary if Hilary won, we'd have Hilary Clinton, Theresa May and Angela Merkel all in charge of major countries, imagine them three all getting together and scheming Rolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughing
Posted 7 years ago
Obama forced people to pay some health care insurance thingy and then put the price up a load I think. Something like that but can't remember now; people didn't like that at all, amongst other stuff. Trump may be a backlash but I'm not expert enough to say.
I think there's the first 100 days honeymoon period am I right? Just have to sit and wait for it.

@killjoy1987 The ladies rule my world anyway, just ask the mrs so no sexist jokes from me at least, I like living! Sweating
Plus, I think with Nicola Sturgeon even the fearsome Angela Merkel would have her hands full.

Just a thought, I wonder what Christopher Hitchens would have made of it all? Punch

Posted 7 years ago
Nicole Sturgeon has no power lol just a hobby job that one